You are enough - Eddie Munson

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"Eddie?" Y/N calls out to her boyfriend as she enters the trailer she now lives in with him and his uncle.

She hears him respond, "In our room," and moves in that direction to find Eddie. His long, curly hair was pushed back and held in place by one of her scrunchies as he sat on their bed with his back to the wall and an open textbook on his lap. His tongue stuck out , like it always does when he is concentrating on something, and his brows furrowed into a grimace. His doe-brown eyes quickly skimmed the pages while the pencil in his ring-adorned hand tapped repeatedly against the book. She could feel the frustration rolling off his body.

The young couple had a difficult two weeks, especially Eddie. They learned that she was pregnant. After spending a week throwing up and being unable to hold anything down, her mother had taken her to the doctor. Even when they were high, the two were usually cautious when having sex, so this came as a surprise. It soon came out that the condoms they were using were inaffective. Everyone was notified about it through an article in the newspaper.

As soon as they got home, her mother kicked her out, mortified that her teenage daughter was carrying the local freaks baby. She arrived at Eddie's trailer sobbing and soaking wet from the rain. When she announced to him that she was pregnant, he was as as shocked as she was, but he wasn't shocked that her mother had kicked her out, for that he had never felt so furious with the woman. Eddie had never been a favorite of her mother's. Like the majority of others in town, the middle-aged woman had the same opinion of him. That evening, after Y/N had gone to sleep, he had spoken to his uncle explaining everything to the only parental figure he had left.

The older Munson allowed her to move in with them, but only after establishing certain ground rules that they had to follow. She only had the backpack she had packed with some clothing, her school materials, her notebook, and some photographs when she moved in with her boyfriend and his uncle. A few days later, her mother had dropped a box off with additional clothing and personal items when she knew no one would be at the trailer.

Being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, Eddie supported her however he could. He created some space for her belongings and began setting aside part of the cash made from his drug transactions to use for the things they would someday need for their unborn baby.

He intended to apply for a position at the factory where his uncle worked. He was aware that it wouldn't pay much, but they would have enough by the time Y/N began her maternity leave from her job at the convenience store where she occasionally worked after school, and on the weekends.

But when he learned he wouldn't be graduating this year, those plans fell through. Because he had to repeat his senior year, he was heartbroken that he couldn't graduate this year with her and couldn't provide for his little, growing family the way he wanted to."

"I don't fucking get it," Eddie grumbled, his brow furrowing even more as he focused on the book on his lap as she leaned against the threshold to their bedroom.

"You don't get what?" She questioned, gazing at him sympathetically, hoping she could do more for him. She had made an effort to speak with the guidance counselor to see if there was anything they could do to help him graduate this year. She assisted him with his finals preparation while also giving him encouragement and support when he needed it.

"Why you bother with me?" He snaps, slamming the book close, and then throws it and the pencil he was using to the side. He raises his knees and lays his arms on top of them, an anxious look in his eyes.

She enters the bedroom and kneels on the bed in front of him. She takes his hands and begins fiddling with his rings. "Because I love you, you idiot." 

"I'm not good enough for you," he expresses his current feelings. He always thought she could do better than him, but she continually assured him that he was everything she wanted and needed. But now that she was pregnant, he wouldn't be graduating with her, and the only way he could support his family was to sell drugs to his classmates, he wasn't sure if she could reassure him that he was enough for her and their unborn child. To him, they deserved someone who could support them without risking going to jail, someone who wasn't in their second year of senior year and someone who could land a well-paying job. They shouldn't have been constrained to a trailer they could hardly afford; they deserved to live in a decent house. They deserved someone who wasn't called a freak and looked down upon. They deserved someone who wasn't him. He gestures to their small bedroom. "You and the baby deserve more than this. You both deserve more than what I can give you. You deserve better than me."

"What are you talking about?" she said, perplexed as to what was going on. "You are enough for me. You treat me like a queen. You continually make me feel loved, supported and appreciated. No one else can make me laugh like you do. When I'm sick, you always take care of me. You always check to see whether I have what I need and if I don't, you go get it for me. On the days when I need to feel extra loved, you love me even more than you already do. When I drag you into the living room and turn on my favorite song, you dance with me. You cook dinner when I'm too tired to do it. When I need you to wash my back, you get in the shower with me. And when I announced to you that I was pregnant and that my mother threw me out, you stayed with me and took me in. You're going to be just as amazing and wonderful with our child. She won't care that we might struggle, that we share a trailer with your uncle, that her dad has to repeat his senior year. All that will matter to her is that you'll love her just as much as she adores you. You'll be her world, her hero, and the first man she'll ever love. Edward Munson, you are more than enough for us."

Eddie didn't say anything as he cupped her face and pulled her into a breathtakingly passionate kiss, expressing his undying love for her and apologizing of his own self-doubt. As she moves closer to him and she presses her lips more firmly on his and she grins. Eddie maneuvered them into a lying position with him hovering over her. Breaking off the kiss, he shuffles down, lifts the shirt she was wearing—which just so happened to be one of his Iron Maiden shirts—and presses his lips to her abdomen, where a small bump was beginning to form. His own flesh and blood, a perfect mix of him and her, was inside that small bump.

He looks up at her with a mystified expression. "You said she. How do you know it's a girl?"

"Mother's intuition?" she shrugs, lifting her arms.

"You know, even if she's a girl, I'm going to teach her D&D," he states pressing one more kiss to her belly before crawling back up to be face to face with her. He kisses her again mumbling against her lips. "I love you so much, the both of you."

"We love you so much, too," she responds deepening the kiss.

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