Behind the Scenes - Joseph Quinn

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Y/C/N - Your Character's Name.

Y/N, the actors in the scene, and the crew chuckle along with Joseph as he fumbles with his lines, his fake American accent reverting to his real English one as he talks out of character. Y/N is watching him from side of high school cafeteria set as she waits for her cue to enter the scene. Y/N's character, Y/C/N, a Hellfire Club member and Eddie Munson's girlfriend, is also being introduced to the show in this scene.

As Matt yells that it is time for a break, Joseph locks eyes with her and sticks his tongue out, making her giggle once again. She remains where she is as Joseph approaches and encircles her in his arms, trapping her against his body.

"Have you ever considered growing your hair like this?" She asks while brushing a stray lock of wig hair out from his face.

"Not until now," he admits. "Do you think I should?"

"It's up to you, but I do love it," she confesses giving him a quick kiss "You know what I also love?"

"Me?" he asks, smiling.

"You and the way you can switch accents like it's nothing," she admits.

"You love that?" he questions, amused by her confession.

"I love it," she confirms.

"I'll remember that," he smirks kissing her once more.

Y/N first met Joseph at the table read for Stranger Things 4. Before they sat down, Joseph introduced himself to her, and by the time the meeting was through, they had swapped phone numbers and had started messaging each other right away.

By the time the first day of filming rolled around, their apparent bond was already blossoming into a beautiful friendship, and Joesph was quickly becoming one of Y/N's closest friends. Right away, Y/N sensed that she had just made a lifelong friend in Joseph. They kept communicating and getting to know one another better even through the lockdown. She didn't realise at the time how significant Joseph would actually end up being in her life and how much she would grow to love and care for the British man.

Their on-screen chemistry was a reflection of their off-screen chemistry when they resumed filming. There was always a strong connection between them. Matt and Ross, the cast and crew could all see it, and Y/N and Joseph themselves could see and feel it. Joe Keery frequently made fun of their flirty gestures and glances, fluttering his lashes as he mocked them. The encouragement Joseph needed to act on his feelings was actually came from Joe.

However, it was Y/N who made the first move. Surprising them both, she kissed him as they rehearsed their lines for an upcoming scene that a kiss wasn't scripted for. As she apologised for spontaneous action, he cut her off by kissing her again, letting her know it was what he wanted also. After breaking the kiss before it got too hot and heavy, he asked her out to dinner.

From that day, their bond strengthened even more as they went from friends to lovers. They didn't bother to keep their budding romance a secret, there was no point in hiding it. Everyone who knows them well knows that it was only a matter of time before they got into a romantic relationship.

While working, they always keep it professional, however because touch is both their main love language, it was challenging for them to not always be able to touch each other in some way. Y/N is confident that there is a lot of behind the scenes footage of them holding hands or being so close that their bodies are touching whether it's intentional or not, revealing that they are much more than just really good friends and coworkers.

"So, tonight I was thinking could come to to mine." She tells him as she breaks out of his embrace and clasps her fingers with his as they head to catering. "I can make us dinner and then you could have me for dessert," she adds the last part as a joke even though she knows that it'll happen.

"Will dinner be clothing optional?" He chuckles and releases her hand before draping his arm across her shoulders and bringing her in close to him.

"Isn't it always?" she wonders as she goes along with his joke.

As they get to the catering, he gives her another short kiss before letting her go as they get some food and something to drink.

Later that night, Y/N is in her kitchen, making a salad while waiting for Joseph to arrive for their at home dinner date. She had messaged him a few minutes ago telling him to let himself in. After the salad is done, she puts on some music and gets a couple of her candles from her living area and places them on her small table. Just as she goes to check on the food in the over, she hears the front door open and close. She quickly checks the food and greets Joseph as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hi," she smiles as he pulls her into his arms.

"Hi," he replies kissing her, not bothering to keep it short and sweet now that they're in the privacy of her apartment.

"Dessert first?" she suggests pulling back far enough to look at him.

"Dessert," he starts with an his American Eddie Munson accent, agreeing as she reaches behind her to turn the oven off as he kisses her once more before pulling back enough to whisper against her lips in his British accent. "First."

"I fucking love you," she giggles pulling him into a kiss as he lifts her up and walks them into her bedroom.

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