Say It - Eddie Munson

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"Say it," Y/N commands her boyfriend.

Eddie firmly shakes his head, "No."

"Say it, Edward," she says again, adding the name he despises. He glares at her and settles onto their couch.

"No!" With a defiant look in his big beautiful brown eyes, he shakes his head and gestures his sentiment with his hands.

"You have to!" she exclaims, her voice rising slightly as their argument heats up.

"No, I don't!" he shouts at her, his voice rising a few notches like it does when he's annoyed, angry, or overwhelmed.

"You lost the bet, Edward Munson. It's time to pay up," she continues.

"You cheated," he claims.

"No, I didn't!" she protests.

"Yes, you did," he responds with an accusatory look on his face, his tongue jutting out of his mouth, licking his upper lip, and an arched eyebrow.

"How did I cheat?" she says, hands on her hips, looking down at him, waiting for his explanation of how she cheated on their bet.

Steve had visited Y/N two weeks prior to ask about her younger sister, Barbara-Ann (or Annie to most people). It's clear that the 19-year-old has formed a liking for the 18-year-old high school senior. Following numerous attempts to find love again, Y/N was unable to bring herself to break his heart or

However, that didn't stop Y/N and Eddie from making a bet amongst themselves. After all, Steve and Robin had a bet going to see how long it would take for Y/N and Eddie to get together. Steve had won that bet, with his bet being 4-6 weeks. If Y/N had waited two more days to make the first move, then Robin would have won. Eddie was so sure that Steve could win over Barbara-Ann and had even gone out of his comfort zone to play wingman for Steve. Y/N believed that he wouldn't be able to, being the one who knows her sister better than they do. But as the days went by, it would be evident that his defeat was upon him.

"Because you've always known Barbara-Ann has a thing for Robin," he replies, surprising her enough to make her forget about the bet... temporarily.

"How did you know?" she wonders, her face filled with surprise and curiosity. Y/N was certain she was the only one Barbara-Ann had disclosed her preference for the same sex to.

"I know I'm not the smartest person, and I miss a lot of social cues and stuff, but it's not hard to miss the small glances, flirty smiles, and all the other shit that she gives Robin," he explains. "No offense to Barbara-Ann, but she is not as subtle as she thinks she is, and I'm quite sure Steve is the only one who is blind to it unless he's lying to himself."

"Steve can be a little dumb at times, but we still love him," she acknowledges, settling in beside him on the couch. "However, you still lost the bet, therefore you still need to say it."

"You cheated! Nobody wins and the bet is wiped. That is the rules," he disagrees with her.

"We didn't make any rules," she points out.

"Fuck," he groans as he realizes she's right. "I'm still not saying it."

"Fine, but no sex for a week," she adds non-chalantly. It's a hollow threat because she couldn't spend a week without sex with him either, and he knows that as soon as he touches her in an intimate way, she's putty in his hands. It's a useless threat, really.

"Baby, you know that I know that won't work," he smirks, moving his hand to her thigh and gently moving upward as his calloused fingers brush against her exposed delicate skin, igniting the desire between her legs.

She hesitates to grab his hand and pull it away from her thigh as he clearly makes his point, but eventually does so and stands up from the couch.

He raises an eyebrow at her and then follows her with his eyes to the wall-mounted phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Nancy to see if I can stay the week with her," she says as she begins dialing the Wheeler's phone number.

"I'm sure that I can come up with a plausible reason for why I need to stay with her."

Giving up, he stands up from the couch. Moving quickly to where she is standing, he takes the phone out of her hand and hangs it back up on the hook. He groans, "I'll say it."

She grins, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she looks at him expectantly, unfazed by the glare he's sending her.

He sighs and begins to quote what she had written down for him to say if he lost their bet, even though he hadn't lost due to a technicality. "I, Eddie," he pauses as she raises her brow at him. "I, Edward Munson," he corrects himself, continuing to glare at her. "Enjoy wearing Y/N's panties, especially the pink ones with the lace," he pauses again before speedily adding the last part. "They make me feel sexy and fierce."

Y/N finally lets out the laugh she has been struggling to contain.

"It makes me so happy that you find this so amusing," Eddie adds sarcastically, as he stands there with his hands on his hips, appearing to be unimpressed with his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, baby," She says, with a small pout, as she threads her arms through his and encircles his waist. "I'll make it up to you."

"Yeah?" he says. "What are you going to do?"

"I'll let you borrow my panties," she replies, trying to keep a straight face.

"How about no sex for a week?" he suggests, repeating the empty threat she used a few minutes earlier.

She gasps, appearing shocked and offended, before mirroring his previous remarks as she moves her hands up and under his shirt, her fingernails raking along his stomach. "Oh, baby, you know that won't work."

"That's it," he continues to mutter to himself as he stoops down, picks her up, putting her over his shoulder.

"Eddie!" she squeals, giggling as he carries her into their bedroom.

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