Would you two just kiss already? - Eddie Munson

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Request for my friend beaniemartini

Y/N stands next to her car leaning back against the drivers door waiting for her younger brother to get out of his Dungeons and Dragons meet. She would usually wait in the car but with a slight headache, the fresh air was helping ease it a little.

She looks at her watch hoping they'll be walking out of the Hawkins High School building any minute now.

When another ten minutes goes by, she decides to go find her brother herself. She's about to walk through the doors when they swing open, causing her to step back so she doesn't get hit by them.

"Y/N!" Dustin exclaims seeing his older sister.

"I was coming to look for you." She tells him.

"Sorry about taking longer than usual, Eddie wanted to talk to me about something," he says, explaining why he was later than usual.

"Everything okay?" She asks, her heart lightly fluttering at the mention of the young man's name.

"Yeah," he answers with a slight nod of his head "we should get home before mom starts to worry."

She agrees and follows him back to her car. She's about to get back into the rundown car when she hears her name called. She looks towards where the voice came from and sees Eddie. A light blush covers her cheeks.

"Hi Eddie," she greets the soon to be 20 year old as he reaches her. Y/N had done senior year last year with Eddie. Back then she had thought he was cute and he intimidated her in a way. She heard the rumours and the name calling but chose to ignore it. She hadn't really interacted with him since they didn't run in the same social circles or have many classes together so she couldn't really form her own opinions on the kid everyone called a freak.

But now her brother was a freshman and it didn't surprise you that he had joined Eddie's D&D group, the Hellfire Club. She was happy that he did too. It was a good distraction for the young teen who seems to really look up to their infamous Dungeon Master. Dustin needs more positive older male role models in his life. There was only so much her and their mom could do.

It also gives Y/N a good excuse to finally get to know Eddie outside of school. She's found she likes him more than she thought he would. She finds him naturally charismatic and charming. He was rough around the edges but with a soft and kind heart. He was unapologetically himself and she admires that about him. The first real conversation they had, he had her laughing and feeling at ease within five minutes.

Over the last three months she has developed a crush on him. She had graduated six months ago but she was feeling like she was back in middle, blushing, her heart fluttering and butterflies in her stomach every time she thinks about the man now standing in front of her. She felt silly now being an adult with a school girl crush on her brothers dungeon master.

But what she doesn't know was that Eddie Munson feels the same about her but his crush started the moment she walked into his English class last year, wearing tight high waisted jeans that hugged her body perfectly, her favourite black Metallica shirt, a silver cross hanging from neck, a cluster of bracelets on her left wrist and a signet ring on her right hand. She also wore headphones over her ears, listening to whatever cassette she had in her Walkman. For Eddie it was love at first sight. But he could never bring himself to make a move on her, fear that she would reject him and that she thought the same as everyone else about him. So he spent a year pining after a girl he thought was way out of his league.

Until Dustin Henderson started his freshman year at Hawkins High. He had recruited the young teen and his friends seeing the potential in them for his D&D campaigns. It was a bonus when he found out Dustin is Y/N's younger brother. He used this to his advantage to get to know more about Y/N and build some kind of relationship with her. It was also no secret between the club that Eddie is completely smitten with her, despite Dustin's objections at the start of their unconventional friendship.

"Hi," Eddie breathes taking the young woman in. He can't help the grin that graces his lips as he notices the shirt she's wearing. It was the Metallica one he'd seen her in the first time he had noticed her. His big deep brown eyes move from her shirt back up to her face, connecting with her Y/E/C eyes. Both of them suddenly feeling nervous. "Uh... so, my band has a... uh, has a gig on Tuesday night, at The Hideout. I was wondering if you, if you would like to come. It's not much of a gig really since our audience is 5 drunks and a bar tender or two. If you don't want to come-"

"I would love to," she cuts off his rambling, her heart thumping against her chest. She feels as though she's dreaming.

"Yeah?" He asks surprised she had agreed to come.

She nods. "Yeah, absolutely."

"Great!" He cheers. "I'll pick you up at 6 and maybe we can get something to eat before it."

"Sounds amazing," she smiles at his excitement, feeling as equally excited with a bit of nervousness.

"Jesus Christ, would you two just kiss already!" Dustin yells over the roof of the car looking between his new friend and sister annoyed and unimpressed.

"Get in the car!" Y/N shouts back, sending the younger Henderson a glare, her cheeks once again burning red. Dustin flips her off before climbing into the car.

"So, I'll see you Tuesday night?" Eddie smirks, his confidence returning fully.

"Can't wait," she finds herself smiling again.

Finding the courage, Eddie leans in pressing a kiss to her cheek surprising her. "Enjoy the rest of your night, Sweetheart."

With that Eddie walks away to his van, leaving her stunned until she hears Dustin yelling at her to hurry up.

Getting into her car, she pushes the key into the ignition and starts the drive home.

Somehow all my imagines turn out not how I expect them too. Hope you enjoy this one friend! It's given me ideas for a Eddie story. Would anyone be interested? Also thinking about changing this to just an Eddie Munson imagine book 😅

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