Every part of me - Eddie Munson

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This is a request from Tumblr. If you are waiting for your request, I should be able to get it done this week sometime since I'm not as busy as I was last week.

Y/N had a crush on Eddie Munson since they were in middle school. She had no idea his feelings for her were mutual. They weren't exactly friends, but they were friendly until Eddie summoned the courage to ask her if she wanted to go see a movie with him when he stopped by her weekend job. He was taken aback when she agreed without hesitation. Their first date had been a little awkward, as nerves had gotten the best of both of them. Eddie thought he'd ruined his chances with her by coming across too strongly, but those worries vanished when she called the next day, asking if he wanted to go out and do something that afternoon.

Three months had passed since their first date, and it was a Tuesday, which meant Eddie's band, Corroded Coffin, was performing at The Hideout. Y/N hadn't been able to attend one of his gigs in the 12 weeks they'd been dating, so she was determined to go this Tuesday. She was the go-to babysitter on her street, but tonight she told everyone she had plans that took priority. She was finally going to see Eddie perform for the first time since middle school. She told her parents she was going to spend the night at a friend's house working on a big project due on Friday. If her parents discovered where she was going, she would be grounded for the rest of her life even though she is 18.

Y/N had gone straight to Eddie's trailer after school to get ready for tonight. While Eddie was in the shower, she looked around his room, noting the metal band posters, dungeons and dragons figurines, fantasy books on his shelf, all his cassette tapes and vinyl records, and, finally, his most prized possession, his electric guitar, hanging in front of his mirror. Everything in his room reflected him, and almost everything she cherished about him.

Her attention is drawn to a shoe box partially hidden beneath his bed. She picks it up, unsure whether she should open it. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she reached for the lid when Eddie, who was walking into his bedroom, prevented her from opening it. His hair is wet, his wavy hair more defined, and he's wearing nothing but black ripped jeans. He walks past her, picking up the clean Metallica shirt that was laying on his bed and shifting his gaze to the shoe box that was now sitting on his bed.

"It was sticking out from under your bed. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be there " Y/N explains before he can say anything, nervously awaiting his reaction.

"It's okay," he says as he pulls on his shirt before putting on his leather and denim jackets. That box had been under his bed for a reason: he didn't want anyone to see what was inside. It was too personal for him to share with just anyone.

But, seeing the girl sitting on his bed, he knew he could show her what was in the box. He had an unwavering love for her and daily found himself falling more and more in love with her. He couldn't show anyone what was inside the shoebox if he couldn't show her.

He picks up the box and puts it on his lap as he takes a seat next to her. "No one has seen what's in this box except for me," he says as he loosens the lid, "but I want to share it with you."

"You don't have to, Eddie," she assures him, lovingly looking at him, touched that he would want to show her something he had never shown anyone else before.

"I want to," he says, assuring her. "I love you, and I want you to know every part of me."

"I love you, too," she says as she moves closer to him, kissing his shoulder and resting her chin on it.

He turns his head, kissing her cheek, and lifts the lid of the box. He pulls out some Polaroid photos of a woman and a baby first. She was incredibly beautiful, with her thick, mousy brown hair and large brown eyes. Every day, she found herself getting lost in the same set of eyes.

"Is that your mom?" she asks, peering between him and the woman in the photos. She noticed the resemblance. The same thick wavy hair, brown doe-like eyes, nose, and smile.

"She is," he says, nodding and smiling down at the photos. "I was young when she died. There aren't many memories I have of her, but I do have these."

"She was beautiful," she says. "You look exactly like her."

"You think I'm beautiful?" he asks, a smirk on his lips as he looks her in the eyes.

"I do," she says, both their cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

He gives her a kiss before placing the pictures in the box and picking up a locket necklace. "Uncle Wayne stopped my father from selling this and gave it to me, so I kept and hid it." He opens the locket to reveal that it is empty. "She never had the chance to put photos in it, but she wore it every day."

The locket was made of gold and had intricate flowers and leaves engraved on it. It was a gorgeous piece of jewellery, and she could see why Eddie's mother wore it all the time.

"Uncle Wayne told me that when I meet the right girl or have my own daughter, my mother would want me to give it to her," he says as he closes the locket and looks at her. "I think my mother would have adored you," he says. "And I believe she would like you to have it."

"Eddie," she exhales, raising her head from his shoulder, taken aback by his words.

"Hear me out before you reject me," he says, moving the box aside while still clutching the locket. "I've known you were that girl for a long time. You put up with my antics, don't judge me for being a nerd with diverse interests, and accept me for who I am. You are the sweetest, most patient, kindest, most beautiful person I know, and I absolutely love you more than anything else in the world, including D&D. I want you to have it, and I believe my mom would as well. So, please, have it because I'm falling more in love with you every day and you're my present and future."

Y/N couldn't think of anything to say in response to his confession. Instead, she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss, her heart bursting with the amount of love she had for the young man she'd fallen hopelessly in love with over the last three months. Eddie returns her kiss, unlatching the locket and clasping it around her neck.

After breaking the kiss, Y/N's hand moves to the locket. "I love you so much, and I'm honoured that you chose me to wear something so meaningful to your mother," she said.

"I love you, too," he says. "And you're the only one I want to wear it."

She smiles and kisses him once more.

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