Its truly a work of art - Eddie Munson

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"Stay still!" Y/N groans as Eddie starts to fidget once more. She was working on a project for art class and her loving metal head boyfriend offered himself to be her model. It had been a joke to begin with but Y/N convinced him to let her paint him.

"How much longer?" He sighs.

"Not much, I promise." She says leaning around her canvas to give him a reassuring smile. She'd been working on this painting for almost three weeks and she was finally on to the finishing touches. This painting was for a huge chunk of her final grade.

Another 30 minutes go by and as her eyes scan her painting, she feels as though she is finally done and is extremely happy that it turned out how she imagined it would. She was confident that it was good enough to pass her grade. Getting up from behind her easel, she moves around to where Eddie is standing and hugs him in gratitude.

"I really owe you one," she says moving back enough to look at him. His arms are encircled around her waist as he stares lovingly into her Y/E/C eyes with his deep doe brown eyes.

"I can think of ways you can make it up to me," he smirks and presses his lips to hers. She smiles against his lips as she returns his kiss and pouts a little when he pulls away before it gets too heated. "And to start, m'lady, you can show me that painting."

"You want to see it?" She asks now a little unsure of it. Eddie was always so encouraging and supportive when it came to her artwork. Her creativity and her passion for it is one of the things that attracted him to her. 

"Of course I do!" He grins. He always loves to see her finished projects.

"It might not be what you're expecting," she tells him, a tinge of red spreading across her cheeks. She pulls him over to her easel and looks down at her feet while he takes in the painting.

She was right about it not being what he was expecting. For him it far exceeded all his expectations. Taking in the figure that was him, holding a sword and wearing a cloak, a small crown on his head as it looks as if he's slaying some kind of monster in some sort of fire dystopia world.

"This is fucking awesome!" He says in awe and amazement. He always knew his lady was talented but she always continues to stun him with her artwork.

"You like it?" She asks bringing her gaze back to him, seeing him stare at the painting in awe.

His eyes meet hers once again, his smile reaching from ear to ear. "I love it, baby. It's truly a work of art."

She smiles in relief. As long as Eddie loves it, and her teacher likes it enough to pass her, that's all that matters to her.

"Can I keep it?" He asks he pulls her over to her bed. He kicks his shoes off and lays down leaving room for her to lay beside him.

"You want to keep it?" She asks laying beside him, resting her head on his chest as they both looked back at the painting again.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to," he says as he runs his fingers through her hair, instantly relaxing him.

"You can have it," she tells him, "once the teachers finished with it."

"Is that how you see me?" He asks her after a silence had fallen over them.

She lifts her head and moves so she can see him and nods her head yes.

"How and why?" He questions her. "I'm the town freak and outside of D&D, I'm not a hero."

"You're not a freak, Eddie Munson. You just don't conform to what society wants you to be. You're different but that doesn't mean you're a freak," She tells him. She hates it when he puts himself down and doesn't see how amazing he actually is. "You're a hero to those kids you have in Hellfire Club, you gave them a place where they feel like they can fit in to, you've given them something to look forward to, something they'll never forget. And you're also my hero. You saved me from those dingus kids in middle school who wanted to make my life a living hell."

"Good times," he jokes, a small but genuine smile on his lips.

"I love you, so fucking much, Eddie Munson," she says returning his smile with one of her own.

"I love you too, princess," he says, pulling her down on top of him and into a deep and passionate kiss.

Two imagines in one night?!. I think Eddie Munson has taken over my life.

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