Chapter 2. Welcome To Hawkins High

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As you hear the bells ring you try to run to class, when you run into Jason Carver (the most popular boy in school). " What the hell freak?!?" He looks down at you and says, while picking up your books off the floor. " I'm sorry, I was trying to get to my class" " You must be the new girl everyone's talking about huh, Mayfield was it?" " Yeah so?" " So, maybe you should try to keep it low on the first day of school, but it looks like you ruined that opportunity huh?" He laughs walking away.

"OMG Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!?" " ROBIN! Umm- Yeah I'm fine." " Don't worry about him, he's younger then all of us and still thinks he has the biggest balls in the school." You both laugh. " So what's your home room?" "Umm B12, Bio Science?" " Oh sick that's mine too!!" So you both walk to class together. " You know y/n, I've really missed you and I really am sorry about Billy." " No, no it's fine really, and yeah I've really missed you a lot too Robin." Both your faces turn bright red.


" Hey Y/N, come sit over here with us. I want you to meet someone!" Dustin says with a big grin on his face. You go to sit right next to Dustin and Mike, with three other guys at the table. " Henderson, you want to postpone the cult of Vecna?!?" "Um, yeah because it's the basketball game and-" You immediately tune out all the noise and Robin comes to mind...
* "You know Y/n, I've really missed you." You start to think about the old relationship you and Robin had years ago..*

"And who is this?" The tall curly haired said looking curiously at me.. " Y/N Mayfield?" "Oh The girl from the trailer park, I remember you.." " Yup.. that me." You say annoyed by his smile. " Well Y/N, this is Eddie.. our DM for Hellfire" " Ohhh, so your the big bad DM I've heard about so much.." "Awww Henderson talks about me?" " You know what Dustin I don't have time for this.." "y/n why are you running away so soon?" He says with a smile.  Eddie gets up on the table,"Well as long as your into band or science or parties...OR A GAME WERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" Jason stands up " You freaks want something?!?" " Oh come on, leave him alone!" You say louder then expected, (Eddie makes the weird noise with his tongue) " Oh so the new girl has a crush on the freak!!" Everyone around you starts laughing... You run out of the cafeteria. Eddie follows you.

You run outside and smoke a cigarette, " Hey you okay?" He says coming from behind you.. " What do you want from me? It feels like your always there." " Well we do live across the street from each other.." He says with a small smile. " You mind if I stay here with you?" " I don't care." You say softly under your breath. He grabs out a pack of cigarettes to smoke with you. * Why is he doing this? Being so nice when I never show any interest in him?*  "I have this cool spot that nobody comes to.. if you wanna skip out on school?" " Sure, I got nothing better to do" You follow him into the woods. You sit down at a picnic table. "So you play the guitar right?" You ask. " Yeah I play guitar and sell drugs for a living, you?" "Well I play the drums and do the drugs for a living." You both laugh.


" Oh shit, what time is it?!?" "Umm, Its almost 4 why?" "Omg I have to go get my little sister before I get in trouble." You start getting up and getting ready to go, "Wait! What are you doing this Friday before spring break?" "Umm, I don't know why?" " I was wondering if you wanna hang out?" "Umm," *looks down at clock* "sure, yeah that's fine!" You run as fast as you can to beat the crowd of people to find your sister. " FINALLY!!" your sister yells "COME ON, GET IN THE CAR!" You both get in the car.

"WAIT Y/N!!" " Oh hey Robin!!" "Hey can we talk really quick?" " Umm, yeah sure." You get back out the car to talk. " Hey what's up?" " Hey I was hoping maybe we can hang out tonight and maybe work on some homework for bio, I don't really get it?" * oh crap, the stupid hellfire thing is tonight* " Unm, sure I can help you. Just come over to my place" "Thanks your a life saver!!" You both say bye and you get back in your car to go home.

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