Chapter 14. Trailer Fun..

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Everyone makes it to Eddie's trailer... Including Dustin and them.. "Holy shit.." You say to yourself... "That's crazy.." Robin says... "Okay so if I'm right you should be able to come back here by climbing into the gateway..." Dustin says trying to sound smart. Lucas runs to get a mattress from Eddie's room while everyone helps make a rope... "Umm those stains are umm.. I don't know what those stains are" Eddie claims.

"Well here we go.." Eddie says looking at you... One by one everyone goes through including you.. but not Nancy and Steve... As you see what's wrong you feel a vision coming along... * "Y/N...Y/N come on... you know you don't have much longer... please y/n do it for me, your brother... You wanted me gone huh.. You think you are all big and bad because no one knows your DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!!" Please leave me alone... LEAVE ME ALONE!!!*


"Oh no.. Y/N, PLEASE PLEASE Y/N COME ON!!" Robin runs to find music... "MUSIC WE NEED MUSIC!" "THIS IS MUSIC!!!!" Eddie grabs your favorite song from Robins hands and plays it with headphones... "PLEASE,PLEASE Y/N WAKE UP!!"


* "You see him!!" (Shows Eddie trying to save you) "It'd be a shame if you didn't wake up this time!" Please no... I'm not ready... " neither was I.." You start to hear music... NOT TODAY BITCH!* You fall to the ground with Eddie and Max looking terrified...

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