Meeting Blues

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Setting up my station. I unlatch my briefcase and shove the thick binder out of the way. My hands froze as I stared at the pill bottle. It wasn't there this morning, right? How did I miss it when putting the binder in here? Quickly glancing around I grab it and shove it into my breast pocket. Oh. I wouldn't worry about it. I feel my chest tighten. Go away. Get the fuck away from me. Biting my lip I grab one of the folders and set it out into the wooden table. Just ignore it. Slip my laptop out of its sleeve and set it to my left. Grazing my fingers over the metal.

"Ack!" my tongue betrayed me. Pain shot through the back of my head. No, not now. Baring my teeth a little I straighten out and force myself to finish. Flipping through the folder and pulling out what I need. 6:33am, maybe ill have enough time to run down to my room and get some tylenol or something stronger. Putting the paperwork back in its folder and standing up, dusting myself off I head to the door. Right as UN walks in.

"Good Morning USA." UN calmly says.

"Good morning UN." keeping it cordial I try to slip past him. UN places a hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going? The meeting starts at seven," glaring at him under my glasses I turn to fully look at him.

"I'm heading back to my room, I left some paperwork in my room. If NATO talks today he might want the report."

"Report for what?" UN questions crossing his arms. Sighing I dust my suit.

"That one of my states, Rhode Island, has recently purchased a warship. Rhode Island sent me a copy of the paperwork he got when purchasing the vessel." I signal with my hands out the door. He gives me a confused look as I rush out the door. Navigating through all of the others, getting a few strange looks as I walk against the flow. Slipping down a dark hallway I navigate the tight passage ways. A slim stairwell forces me to scrunch up my wings and crouch.



FUCK! HAHA DAMNIT! STUPID THING! STUPID.... DOOR FRAME! Flipping the door frame off I scurry to my room. Halfway to my room though, I spot the stout figure of WHO. She looked down the hall disappointedly.

"What?" I snapped. WHO purses her lips and gives no answer. Whatever. Rushing past her I fumble to get my key out. When I do find it, shoving it in the door and quickly slipping in. Trying to kick the door closed WHO shoved her foot in. Nevermind that I have places to be. Charging into the bathroom I lock the door behind me. Throwing the mystery briefcase meds in the sink before rifling through the medicine cabinet. Uh crap. Tylenol or Oxycodone... I'll play it safe with Tylenol. Snatching the bottle I threw a random amount into my hand.

"USA! The heck are you doing in there!"

Crap. Taking a random plastic cup I fill it with sink water and throw the pills into my mouth washing them down with water. Choking slightly at the amount but forcing it down the hatch anyways. Tossing the cup into the trash can, and shoving the medicine bottles into the cabinet. I burst out the door sending WHO tumbling back. No time to worry about her. Lurching forwards out the door. Ignoring all safety protocols of the ship I leap down staircases, the UN ants scramble out of my way.

Sharply turning into the meeting hall I pause, fix little things that got messed up as I ran like a squirrel. Still lookin' sharp. Grinning, I strut into the meeting room. The chatter was quiet as most seemed to be scrambling for papers they might need. South Korea noticed my late arrival, pointing it out to his neighbor, Japan. Neatly sitting down and adjusting my station UN steps up onto the podium causing the room to quiet down.

"As you all know this is an off schedule meeting and to be honest I wasn't exactly planning to have this myself. Yet recently we have noticed some odd occurrences." He continues talking. I tune him out. Some of the Asian countries started gathering their materials. Russia sat silently.

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