Radio Silence

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UN hurriedly pawed through the stack of paper in front of him, searching for a possible reason. Any reason. I just sat in my chair, everyone else in the room was in a calm panic. Clicking through countless emails and scrolling through various news articles. Nothing at all. It's like they've just wiped themselves off the face of the earth. My daughter sat next to me, phone pressed to her ear. Suddenly her face lit up.

"Honolulu!" Nihon exclaimed in a voice of excitement. Everyone in the room turned to look at us. Nihon quickly put her phone on speaker.

"Nihon! How are you?" Honolulu's quiet voice came through.

"Could be better. Uhm, do you happen to know what is going on in the mainland USA?" Nihon asked. A pause...

"No. I haven't heard from any of them, not even Alaska. I have no idea what's going on. Not even United will answer my calls, I'm pretty sure the military is keeping us in the dark." Honolulu sighed in defeat. The whole room whispered.

"Hey Nihon, is your mom there?"

"Miss Japan, is there any way for you to contact United?" I pause.

"No. I've tried everything... I-"

"I'm getting another call, hold on... Can I do a double call thing?"

"YES!" Nihon exploded over me.

Beeping came though before the sound of a phone shifting hands. Whispering on the other end.

"Honolulu," the cold voice of USA came though, "Is either of your parents in the house?"

"No sorry, they went to speak to the governor."

"That's fine. Listen, all you have to tell them is that ships cannot sail to any state on the west coast unless it is approved or a military vessel. Nor can you sail to another country on any ship."


"Just tell your parents okay? Don't worry your head on what we're doing over here."

"But the whole world is worried and confused?"

"I know. It's not their problem okay." he pauses. "Be careful Honolulu, we will be watching you." he clicked off.

Grabbing my phone I dialed his number quickly. It rang, before giving me 'This number is unavailable at this time'.

"Okay, so I'm guessing we weren't supposed to hear that." India chimed in. "If he calls her, but doesn't respond to us, that means the mainland states are the only ones who know what's happening."

UN gets up and goes to his phone.

"Does anyone have the state's phone numbers?" Nihon raises her hand. Walking over, quickly saying goodbye to Honolulu before hanging up. UN started dialing.

Hiroshima walked in, scribbling down into her notebook. A frustrated look around before staring at me.

"Is everything okay?" Hiroshima sighs.

"WHO asked me to look into possible psychological reasons for the sudden shutdown, but I can't find anything from the recent interviews, States Podcast episodes, or even speeches. I have nothing. Did you at all notice anything strange while talking to him in person?" She said while stalling the pen.

"Not that I can think of."

Hiroshima let out a dramatic ugh, before taking a few steps back to the door. Halting, she whips around.

"Do we have access to the security cameras?!"

"Yes. Tokyo installed them, remember?"

She excitedly leaves. I slowly get up to follow. My other children lounge with the television on, some drama playing. Nihon and Tokyo take notice and call out their hellos. Nodding to them I follow Hiroshima. She rushes into her office. Quickly typing. Watching over her shoulder, Hiroshima scrounges for the surveillance footage, finding it after digging through the files.

Written In Blood | Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now