Shifty Business

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"Trenton can you stop messing with my computer!" Vermont complained. Trenton just snorted and trotted off. This economy is going to make me go bald I swear.

"Hey, does anyone have a copy of CIA brainwashing tactics?" Hollywood asked while walking into the room.

"I do." Raising my hand. She walks over. I swear she is just a cloud of perfume. Beginning to sift through one of my drawers, she stands over me.

"Man, that's rough." glancing up she pokes the economic flow chart right where it's the lowest.

"Yeah." Pulling out the document. Aw, it's got a coffee stain on it.

"Here you go." Holding it up.

"Thank you... Y'know..."


"Please! Just for a bit!"

"Nooo...." She puts her hands on my shoulders pushing me towards the desk, before slipping her arms under mine and hoisting me out of the chair. Kicking the air, she just laughs. Trying to smack her with my tail failed. 

"You kick me one more time and I'll strangle ya'." she snarled. I'd rather not.

"Thanks." she laughed.

Hollywood plopped me in a chair. Sinking into it.

"Okay so..." she stepped back to her board, the dress dramatically swooshing. "We make ads to say that we are good guys."


"That's not it though! Since we have no outside sources, we promote factories."


"Detroit, Philadelphia, Sacramento- actually any state known for factories that are giant, reinstate factories. And make the benefits something that no one can pass up. We also need to make the military more... ah what's the word..."

"I know what you mean. We need a large workforce and an even larger military to get through this."

"Yep, that's where you come in. You have your special picks in the New York Times and such, start picking out more propaganda. I can hire amazing artists for this."

That is smart.

"Got it."

"That's why we need this!" she waves the file. "Using the media as a way to turn people's heads to our cause is a huge benefit." Loudly clapping.

"We are back in business!" Hollywood squeals while scurrying out of the room. What a strange woman. Nah I can't say anything. She is a great partner in crime though...

Phone call after phone call. I don't even know where Union is. Punching in another phone number.

"Hello this is President Harlow, who is this?"

"It's Manhattan. I'm calling to talk about the factory situation."

"Yes, yes, give me a moment." shuffling comes though the speaker.

"So what are your ideas?"

"We of course need the funding and such, but let's start in Detroit. Fixing old factors might be possible but if not, we need to use old blueprints to build the easiest and fastest. I was thinking, for gas and oil, the travel ban helps a ton with conserving it. But we need all we can get. Changing the suburbs would help. Those places are built with cars in mind, we need to change that so people can work. Trams and stuff would help, along with buses. Back to the factories though..." pausing I switch the paper I'm reading from. "What would be best is to use any possible space. Even if it means changing things around."

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