The Games Begin

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Wednesday. Wednesday. God damnit I have to get a checkup. Uhg. Maybe I can skip it again. Yes, no, maybe. Probably. Yet if I have the race... Arg, I'll just suck it up and go. What to wear. Probably just business casual, though it really doesn't matter.

My oxfords clicked loudly on the metal floor. The farther down I go, the more sterile it smells. God do I hate the smell. Coughing lightly into my cuff, so glad I dotted some cologne there. The white door basically gleaned at the end of the hall. Stopping at the door, biting my tongue. Suck it up United. Suck it up. Pushing the door open the waiting room was silent. East and West sitting in a corner with some of their own friends. The bored receptionist looked up, in a slight shock. No, she's incredibly shocked. Instead of me going up to her, she runs off to the back before I can even get to the desk. Um. Okay. Standing here is the most uncomfortable thing so far this week. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, let's just pass some time by. I don't know. Seeing what the states are doing? Or read one of the million messages a day I get. Damn. Looking up to the receptionists ragged breathing.

"WHO will see you in a little while, feel free to wait here until you get called back." she coughed.

"Okay..." I drag while walking over to one of the larger chairs. Cringing at the squeaky plastic cover. Scrolling. Does it ever end? No. Never. All it does is change. No need to be so grim... Clenching my jaw. Not you again. I know you miss me!... Frankly I don't. I hate you. Not even seeing the stupid ghoul I know he rolled his eyes. The shadow leaves. Good. All he does is make things worse. Good back then. Not today. Yet. No. Gah. Whatever.

Glancing back at my screen. New notifications popping up. The States Podcast is live. I want to see what shenanigans the gang is getting up to.

"BATON ROUGE GET THE HELL OUT WE'RE MAKING APPLE PIE!" Manhattan shouted behind him. Baton scoffed and left the kitchen. Albany raised her brow to Manhattan.


"Nothin' what are you on about?"

They just paused and stared at each other. Brows raised. Yet burst into laughter a second later.
"BACK TO PIE!" they yelled in unison.

"SO! Now that you've gotten the apples sliced you take brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, some lemon juice and... a pinch of salt. Or for our entire one hundred plus household, and entire handful."

"Nah using a ladle works better." Manhattan poked in while slamming a concrete sized brown sugar bag onto the counter. They both vanished off camera, probably to grab whatever utensils they are going to use. Delaware, Dover, Rhode Island and Providence poked in. Looking around for the NY duo, before jumping up to the counter and eating some of the chopped apples.
"HEY OFF THE COUNTER!" Albany yelled while running at them, holding a glass bowl probably full of the pie crust dough. I was right her resting towel fell onto the floor. Del and Dov turned into their fox forms and skitters out of the room, Rhode and Providence leaped off the table with apple slices in their hands. Snickering.

"RATS!" Albany called after them.

"Gremlins." Manhattan said, dropping the rest of the ingredients on the counter.

Looking up to someone clearing their throat. The rambling of the New York siblings quietly chirped from my phone. WHO called for Lavita. Yet her gaze still locked on me, looking utterly confused. Lavita and her walked back, but not without a few more glances. Tch. I'll just leave. I've got four more people in front of me. Knowing WHO it's an hour or longer with each, ESPECIALLY East. Speaking of East he has seemed to vanish-

"Hey United." I almost jumped out of my damn skin. "Oh I'm sorry!" he exclaimed.

"No, no, you're fine. What do you need?" Looking down at him, he just shrunk even more.

Written In Blood | Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now