What Once Was Mine

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Looking at the map. Invading Vilnius won't be hard.

"Are you sure, Sov?" I ask, he looks at me before back out the window.

"Yes. It's going to be easy to take them. The only thing is that they are in NATO. But with the USA in the dark, I don't think the others will make too big of a swing at us." I look at the map.

"No. I'd rather go for Georgia first. To play it safe," pausing, "What about Ukraine?"

Soviet shakes his head. Walking over to me and the map.

"I think they could hold us off."

"But if we get into Kiev first, we have a chance." I tap the table.

"NATO and the others won't stand for that. Ukraine is not weak anymore also. Georgia is strategic because we can get closer to Turkey, and Iran."

I almost said something before someone burst through the door.

"It is finally time!" China says. Dramatically pushing me away from the table. "The Americans have finally left, so now I can take back the traitors!"

Sovs ears pin.

"What do you mean?" he questions, crossing his arms. China looks at both of us with excitement. Pulling out his phone, it's open to a live video. US ships and planes, being flanked by the Chinese navy, but showing no aggression or care for the closely sailing ships.

"I saw some news, they drained the embassies also." There is no way the USA is going this far. I start to say something, but I'm cut off by a loud bang. I look over at the door, and a familiar face walks through the door.

"Sorry for the sudden interruption, but I have a message to deliver to you." Juneau calmly says, holding a written paper. Her eyes watched us calmly. I reached for the paper, yet the others whispered for me to not to. Ignoring them, I took the paper, neatly folded. Unfolding it, the neat, yet slanted cursive spanned the whole page.

To Russia

Russia, our last meeting was cut short when I had to go to an emergency in one of the states. I do not want my isolsolism to seem like a cover up for some secret operation. It is not. While I cannot state the reason for the sudden shut down as it is classified, we do not know when we will leave this state...

Blah blah blah.

Sorry for the sudden and short letter. I know you're a busy man, but take this apology from me.


United States of America

The usually long swoop of the a was gone. Juneau waited patiently for me to respond.

"I'll send a letter back." I set it down, she nods and leaves. China snatched the page and read it over. Handing it to Soviet. Both of their faces read 'is that it?' And I have to agree. Yet he isn't the worry now, it's whether we make a move now or later, not never.

"Wait on Taiwan. We will make the first pass on Georgia."

After telling Putin our plan and he agreed, it's time to lead the army. I asked for a blitz attack, but not to use too much firepower. All we need is to overwhelm the capitol, then seize the country. Since Georgia is so small, I think this is going to be very easy.

Reading over the plans, a few kilometers away from our border.

"Ready?" Sov asks. Looking at the ground. What am I doing! With a tight chest, I looked forwards as confidently as I could, grabbed the radio.

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