Subtle Changes

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Sports talk was all that chatted through the brewery. Licking my lips. Can't wait to dig in.

"West. I don't think I've ever seen you this hungry over a simple burger."

Looking up at Belgium who tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Listen Bel, I've been on a diet, and I really want a burger right now. Plus, I need a cheat day."

"You? Dieting?" She looked shocked. "Who are you?" Rolling my eyes, I fix my glasses.

"I just wanted to get my summer body back. I'm going on a trip soon."

"Oo! Where too?" Belgium leaned on the table.

"I'm going to Disney." I say. Looking at one of the TVs.

"Why do you need to diet? You're just going to the one in Paris, right?" Now she's confused.

"No, the one in the US. Disneyland. I've been itching to go for a while."

"Then why break your diet here? The USA had plenty of greasy burgers."

"Oh. Yeah. Uhm. Why did I not think of that?" Facepalming myself. Belgium laughs.

"Just ask to switch it out. Or box it for your brother."

"I guess so." Looking out for a waiter. Countries laughed together. Some sat in quiet conversation.

"Speaking of your brother, where is he?" Belgium asks before taking a bite of her chicken.

"Actually. I don't know." I think he said he was staying behind to do work. Now I'm not sure. Did he go see WHO, or EU? Biting my lip, looking back to Belgium. Worry had flooded her face. The waiter finally came over.

"Is there anything else I can-"

"Get boxes."

He nodded before scurrying off. Coming back only a minute later with the large boxes. We shoved our warm meals into the boxes before running off. Only stopping at the door to tell the Hostess to put it on my tab.

"EAST!" Belgium called.

We got weird looks as we rushed through the halls. Though no sign of him.
"Girls." a gruff voice stops us in our tracks. We looked at Britain who looked annoyed.

"What are you parading about for?" He jeered. Britain's slim tail swaying, his ears swiveled.

"We can't find East!" I fretted, sounding more desperate than I would have liked. He looked confused.

"I saw him heading to the deck. Why are you so worried?" We didn't wait to respond to him. Lunging past, we both rushed up to the deck. It was quiet.

"EAST!" I cried. We looked around wildly. Running around the large masts. My throat feels like I have eaten a rasp. Clutching the box, I dart around. He probably won't hear us with the wind. Maybe he isn't here, maybe he's-

"West look." Her tail pointing. The large American wings shifted back to reveal a sort of weak looking East. East was leaned heavily against the railing. United's hand resting delicately on Easts shoulder. Belgium and I crept closer.

"I just don't know." my brother said in an admitting tone. His wings dropped in defeat.

"You'll be fine. If you really want more help, talk to WHO."

"NO! She would tell EU. I don't want him looking over my shoulder even more than he already does."

"Screw the EU. But really. If you feel like it's getting worse, go to WHO. Tell her that if she tells the EU, you can't trust her taking care of you."

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