Off With A Bang

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Down to 32 states. Hendrix won't get off my ass about it, and I swear if the CIA says one more thing, I'm going to rock him into tomorrow.

"Temper temper Union." Federal mocked.

"Shut up." glaring at him. A shit eating grin on his face. We need to get... Cleaning. I told Hollywood to start making propaganda films. Not like she hasn't before, and in recent times.

"Alaska!" DC called.

"What!" he yelled back. DC runs up the stairs. I hear the lobby doors open. Oh well.



"Listen here!" He snaps. Grabbing my briefcase off the desk and walking out. Heading to the lobby balcony.

"No!" Remember you've got a gun. I KNOW! Running out there. God it's bright in here. A hand grabs my shoulder. Smacking them with my wing.

"USA!" I think DC yells.

"AAHRG!" running down some random hallway. Slamming doors open. More yelling ensues.

"UNION!" CIA yells once again.

"CIA I SWEAR TO GOD-!" whips out the gun. Got one chance. AAAAH.

"Put it down."

"Should I?"

"MR. USA!" A worker shouts from below.



it takes all of my willpower to not scream right then and there. Stomping, shoving the gun in my pants, throwing the briefcase at CIA, clapping loudly, deep breath, go time. Running a hand through my hair I walk out to the balcony. The soldiers with Russia and the balding Putin looked at me suspiciously.

"Sorry about that." I say. Awkward silence.

"Good evening USA. Is your president here?" Russia quietly says.

"No sorry." CIA runs up behind me. Everyone is silent again. Russia is eyeballing something on me and I don't know what.

"You can talk to DC though and he will get the message to President Harlow for you." Putin looks over at what I guess is an advisor.

"That will work. For now." okay Mr trying-to-be-intimidating.

"I will get you a meeting room." clasping my hands I walk off after shoving CIA a bit. We both glare at each other.

DC just so happens to walk out of a meeting room with Alaska and Juneau. Giving him the run down and walking down some stairs to where the Russian group is still waiting.

"Follow me." leading them slowly though the hall, letting them all go into a room with DC. Russia stops and stares at me.

"Can we have a meeting in a separate room please?"

"Sure." leading him to my office here. He is still eyeballing me. Standing behind my desk while he sits down.

"Russia, is there something on me or is there something wrong?"

His ears flatten in a bit of surprise and he looks down and rubs the back of his hands.

"Your uh. Um. Just look in a mirror." he stutters out.

I furrow my brows. Moving I check behind each of the curtains. Ah there the mirror. Looking. Oh. My. God. Pulling the gun out of my pants while using my wings for cover. Looking around. On the shelf you go I guess. Patting myself down. Quickly turning around and taking a seat.

Written In Blood | Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now