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I sat in the meeting room. I could tell the president is getting annoyed by the parties and the Supreme Court for fighting his actions. As they should. He's going to far with changing

everything, and wanting to crush the two party system is a huge ringer for dictators. But of course Union doesn't care about the parties. He never cared about the parties. Ugh.

More people piled in. Seats filled. Harlow took his seat at the head, and looked even more annoyed that CIA and Union were late. NSA sat silently in his seat, watching everyone. I found it odd that the two seats next to him were Union and CIA, NSA and CIA flanking Union on both sides. Maybe something happened the other day.

I paged one of the states, but all they said was that almost everyone got food poisoning. Though I'm not sure that would carry over to today, unless the cooking was that bad.

Eventually the two walked in. CIA sat down first, forcing Union between him and NSA. Harlow shifted in his seat and started.

"So, as you know it's fallen into a stalemate, and I don't think we are sure of when it could jump start again. Yet, there is something. An idea that I had." He paused to let everyone sink into their chairs. "Since we technically are not the United States anymore. I know we want to keep the name." Union sat forwards.

"I want to temporarily rename the US, New Union Order of the United States of America."

"What kind of name is that?!" Union snapped. NSA gave him a simple look, Union in turn bit his lip.

"I understand, but we are technically a New Union, as of, not exactly the same as back in the 1800s."

"Uhm." I whisper... everyone looked over. "New order to me sounds like, you know... The conspiracy that is closely named the New World Order." Hendrix tensed.

"I understand the uprising of guerrilla warfare being trained, or uh. I don't know, it sounds to me like Illuminati, or some college order, you know the ones I'm talking about, think Skull and Bones..." The eyes bored into me, I just shrunk into the chair.

"See?" Union hissed to Harlow. "You're tipping me to think about totalitarianism." CIA nodded.

"NO!" Harlow screamed. I almost kept out of my seat. Harlow fell into a tangent. The anger is pouring. Union's brow furrowed, and I almost saw his nose crinkle like a closed mouth snarl. CIA and NSA glanced between the two. Making sure Union did not lash out at Harlow, or Harlow didn't throw something.

After Harlows's ferocity ended on the decision that the name be changed, and that it will not be thwarted.

"Okay?! Your abbreviated title, while long with be NUOUSA, said like New-USA. I don't care."

Union did not relax, but he sat back into his chair, crossed arms, and was shadowed by NSA.

"Next order... Army..." Harlow tried off while Samuel walked up with papers in hand.

"We are currently designing combat armor, and new weapons."

"Measuring and testing will begin next week as of Wednesday."

The economic crisis is coming to an end. The economy is being fixed. Steel mills all over cities that used to be large producers are being refurbished. Buffalo's grain towers are getting refurbished. Employment has started to come back. Good, good.

Written In Blood | Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now