Playing With Power

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"Hey Unity. Why isn't the power on?" I called. Their quiet footsteps came down the stairs.
"Not sure. I can go check the generator." They suggest while walking to put some shoes on.

"Thanks." turning back to my meat, cutting it up into small strips. I'll make them into jerky later. Opening the icebox I lay them in the meat corner. Taps on the window draw my attention back. Unity motioned for me to open the window.

"The generator is toast. It must have burned itself out."

"Aw. Do you know how to fix it?"

"Nope." We both pause. I really don't want to ask them... The look of annoyance on Unitys face let me know they were thinking the same thing.

"I guess we have to ask one of the states." I sighed. "Its unavoidable."

"Damnit... How about instead of going straight there, we take the scenic route around!"

"I like your way of thinking. Right at sunrise would be the best, since... Who are we asking?"

"Detroit or Philadelphia."


Unity rolled their eyes and walked back into the house. Time to break out some firewood for the stove.

The smell of firewood and food was comforting. Especially since we have to meet up with Satan's hell spawn. Taking wood bowls out of the cupboard, pouring the stew into each one. I made too much again.

"You could use the extra as payment." Unity suggested. I nod. We sit and eat in the quiet of the forest.

"Rise and shine, the sun is almost out." I announce loudly from the hall. Uni groggily walked out in a windbreaker.

"Be quiet." I just laughed. We walked downstairs and quickly ate some cold pastries. Packed up on water and the soup. Stretching my legs. Bending over and running my hand from my feet up, they shift into hooves and thick fur. Stepping around, time for the weird part, Uni looks away. Heh.

Stepping around my whole lower half extends outwards, being joined by two more legs.

"I am never getting used to that. Turning into a centaur is so not graceful." Uni dramatically says while climbing onto my lower back.


Walking through everchanging woods. Small creeks and deep rivers. The wildlife acknowledging our presence. Deer warily follow for a few paces. Foxes looking up from their meals. Just as it should be. Urban life bothers them. Opening up to a small mountain range, markers hidden by new brush. We are close.

Pushing through the bramble, we could hear loud and clear, the states yelling. Coming into the clearing, they played hard in a game of Lacrosse. Whipping the ball, and hitting each other with their sticks. Looking for the two, someone new walks up.

"Hello! Your Liberty and Unity right. It's nice to meet you!" He says while holding out his hand. I hesitate. I don't recognise the flag, shorter than United, but taller than Alaska... Oh right. I shake his hand.

"If you don't mind me asking. Who are you?" I look him up and down once again. He smiles.

"I am MPTS, short for Military Personification Training and Security. But you can just call me Max."

"For a second I thought you said PTSD." Unity blankly says. Max laughs, I elbow Unitys knee.

"We were looking for a few states to fix our generator, but it burned itself out."

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