New Ideas

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While plotting invasions on my own land is something odd to think about. Yet that's just a part of the job now. Cutting the cords with everyone was satisfying but if the economy goes any lower Manhattan might as well scalp himself with his fingers. Watching the news from afar though, that's a whole other story. Scrambling like ants is what they are doing. Ah, the relief of not having the eyes of everyone on my back.

Knock knock.

"Come in." a nervous looking worker walks in.

"President Harlow needs to see you." they quietly say while looking down.

"Alright." Rolling up my newspaper and dropping it on the desk. Simply walking past the worker. Down the hall. A secret service member waits at the door, beckoning me to come in as I get closer. Harlow looks at me excitedly.

"Good morning, USA!"

"Good morning, President Harlow, you can just call me Union."

"Ah alright. Well Union my first plan, other than the war, is to maybe rebrand the picture of the US. From what I have noticed through studies over the years is that the 'American Dream' has weaned out for Americans. My idea of rebranding is changing our ways and having more... security if you know what I mean."

"I understand, but how? Listen, I see where you're coming from, but I doubt what we've built up these past years won't go away as easily as you think."

"Aha! I have a plan for that too! Initiating a state of Martial Law and making travel inaccessible. So less gas can be used."

"That hasn't worked before."

"No, no it will now. See I'm going to set up many military checkpoints around the country on Major roadways. So, they can stop anyone, and signal if an attack is happening!"

"Like an American great wall of China?" Federal starts laughing in my ear

He gives me a look. Com'on that's funny! Even I laughed. I know.

"If that's what you wanna call it." annoyance laces his voice. "There are many things we can do. I have plans to 'wake up' old factories. Yes we might have to rebuild some of them, but if we can become an industrial power again, we would have such a large benefit."

"Now you've got me."

"Propaganda, but you know what can be done. Also, I wanted to ask you before I create one. Could I make a secret police?" oh.

"I don't know, all of the secret police I've known of have led to some pretty bad people coming into power. Cough cough- Hitler."

"I would never be like that horrible man. I have ideas for this country that isn't getting all the power for myself. I want to make this country better, make it like, I don't know, the forties though the sixties again?"

"Those years did have good prosperity, but that was during AND after a war."

"We are at war right now right? Also I wouldn't use the secret police to eliminate opposition or anything, democracy means everything. I would use it to sniff out spies and traitors from our lands."

"If I say yes, I promise this won't go the same way that the red scare did. That was incredibly annoying."

"I promise, they will be used for good, not evil, I will have them be observed by many to keep them in check!"

"Go ahead then. I'll let the army know to set up checkpoints then. Also make sure to go through with the martial law placement. Make it tight. Can't have any loose strings right?"

Written In Blood | Countryhumans AUWhere stories live. Discover now