No Turning Back

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"Get to work!" I yelled states bustled around hurriedly. "We have more or less SIX DAYS!"
Manhattan was demanding that companies stop ordering from China. Cutting trade off is our best bet for making sure this goes our way. No interference. Cell services are being altered to hopefully not be able to share out of the country. UN would kill me if he learned of what I had planned. About NATO though... If NATO knew I was in a war he would try and get the other members to join in, but if I left that means any powerful country would attack the others knowing they don't have me to back them. Speaking of attacks, I need to draw back. I know the war on terror is basically irrelevant but I still have troops there.
"Montana, check possibilities on getting troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan."

Montana and Helena both ran off. Draw back on other wars. Move most of the arsenal north.
"SOMEONE GET BATTLESHIPS NORTH, ALONG WITH WHATEVER YOU CAN." I hope they get planes. The power grid is being adjusted, along with water and gas.
"A hefty company killing fine has been laid down to any company trying to continue ordering from China, or any foreign country."

This will be known as the economic massacre!

Shut up. It's going to kill ours too.

We've got a plan, we've been preparing. Factory towns will be the new hit place to live.

Just like in the forties and fifties.


Army walked in. He looked panicked.

"United, are you sure?" he pleaded. The Navy and Marines joined him.

"I'm sure." I say. Turning to another state who shoved papers into my side. Air Force and Coast Guard also popped up. They all got different orders from different states. Army lingerd near me before leaving.

They should know your serious. The bottom half of your face looks like it's going to fall off.

Don't make me think about that. It's a good thing I got out of that damned UN office in time. They would really have questions if they saw my face.

"Doesn't it seem unfair?" DC hummed. "Us possibly having more states than them?"

"No, most of the states we have now were territories during the first war. So it makes no difference land wise."

"Yeah but we have more personifications than them."

"It also depends on who is fighting. If certain states rotate the fighting it would be pretty even."
DC looked unsure but went off on his own.

The house bustled with life. Northern states running around like it would be their last.
A thick folder sat on an end table. Walking over, I finger it. Oh a spare folder. Important info. Well a copy of important papers. Looking around the room. The fireplace. Grabbing the files and walking up to the warm steady fire. Chucking it into the flames, the fire gladly ate it.

The front doors burst in. A group of four. Carolinas stood in the doorway. Anger on their faces.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" South Carolina yells. Columbia stood by his side. Hands on her hips.

We all stood silently.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS?" He shouted into the empty air. Nobody moved. South Carolina shook with anger. He took a deep breath and took a more 'professional' stance. Straight back, parallel feet., arms at his sides.

"I DECLARE!" He pauses for a response. "I DECLARE THAT I... I AM RECEDING FROM THE UNITED STATES!" He declares. So pathetic. A smirk fell onto his face. Satisfied that he had finally spit it out.

"Well then, South Carolina, since you've now receded, how about you GET OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" my whole body felt like I had been shoved into an oven. Fear was splashed on South Carolina's face. He stepped back. Walking towards him, he was already cowering.

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