Shiny New Toys

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"Yeah, I don't know." Illinois sighed. Army looking at all of us. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Listen this is just what I was told, if you guys can do it that's great, if not then we can figure something else out."

"No, what I mean by I don't know, this is asking for carbon fiber. Wouldn't something else be better, and less expensive?"

Illinois jabbed the paper. Army shrugged.


Saved by the damn phone. With a thumb to the door he left.

"Now what?" Manhattan said. With a flick of his tail. "The personal information processor would be the easiest, it's just a watch."

"Duh, but it calls for shit we can't make!" Illinois snapped.

"Don't ruffle your feathers just yet. The armor is the easiest, we have everything on hand, also we can have as many trials and errors as we want." Philly muttered. I can see this being a long discussion.

"Well- oh. Air? Why is Air Force back there?" Illi questions pointing behind us. There he was, filing through papers.

When he noticed we had stopped bickering he scooted right over.

"So I have plans for what planes we are going to produce." I snagged the pages from him. No way.

"Ooh. Detroit is exciting. Wonder what it is?" Manhattan's tail fluttered in anticipation.

"It's about the A-1 Skyraider!" I cheer. The others lit up. "I love that pack mule of a plane, but what else do you have.... Why the hell do you want a Thunder Screech?"

Air Force looked sheepishly down for a second. Before gaining back his composure.

"I think it could be good use, for more psychological warfare, and deafening the enemy if needed."

"You can just do that with radio interference y'know." Manhattan snorted. "Also Mr. Airforce Louis, you want psychological warfare, copy the Junkers Ju 87, you can actually use it for bombing also."

Louis gave him a look, understandable. Copying a nazi aircraft might not be the best thing right now. Especially since the tensions are rising on the argument of 'democracy'.

People say we're going towards socialism but honestly, to me atleast, it's reading more like militarism. Yet Union is allowing it, something about a good change, so I can let it slide.

"Carbon Fiber or Titanium." Philly blankly said to nobody.

"What's the question?" I asked quietly, while Manhattan and Illinos went back to bickering with Louis hovering over them.

"What would be better to make armor out of." I leaned against his shoulder for a moment.

"It would depend on who and what it's for. Both are durable and can be incredibly lightweight, but if we're talking about these being on somebody who is most likely being shot at.... It would really depend."

"You could use Detroit steel!" Manhat joked. I just gave him a look, a shit eating grin on his face. Illinois and Manhattan went back to bickering with Louis, while we just pondered what would be the best to do...

The entire city smelled of metal. Such a familiar but at the same time alien smell. I looked up at the cloudy sky and the large cranes standing still in the air. So much of the city was gone. All of the rotting houses, beaten highways, and half demolished skyscrapers. Only a few remained standing. The skeletons reach high into the sky. The old steel mills getting new coats of paint, the new power plants. It's strange how much change can happen in a year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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