Chapter 3 - Stop it!

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"Boys and girls!!"

Whole class became silent at the voice.

Aarush :- "Here comes my dad!"

Aarush whispered to rudra, and as he said this Professor Mishra entered the class with pile of papers. everyone in the class stood up and wished him good morning.

Mr mishra :- "Good morning all of you! today is a lovely day isn't it? So on this lovely day we are going to take your surprise math test."

Aarush :- "Professor the test is not soo surprise because you told us yesterday!"

Aarush said while trying to control his laugh.

Mr mishra :- "Ahh mr Aarush I hope you prepared well because If you get a zero this time as your professor and dad I won't let it slide!"

Now the whole class started laughing while aarush Looked down embarrassed.

Mr mishra :- "So as I was saying You have a surprise math test-

Before he could finish rohan entered the class with a poker face.

Mr mishra :- "Mr Vyas i know your dad is a trustee of this college but that doesn't mean you can come and go anytime in my class."

Rohan :- "Sorry Professor."

Rohan said with a bored expression. Mr mishra knew he was a stubborn one so not in the mood to lecture him he let it slide.

Mr mishra :- "Go and sit."

Rohan nodded and sat beside arya at the second bench by the door arya was looking at him with worry, he only glared at her in return. Rudra noticed this he shook his head and continued to listen to what his professor was saying.

Mr mishra :- "So as I was saying to prevent you from helping each other in exam i will be switching your seats!"

Everyone in the class made faces and groaned in frustration at this.

Aarush :- "This is not fair dad!!"

Mr mishra :- "Call me Professor."

Aarush pouted and nodded.

Mr mishra :- "So boys and girls I sent you, your new seats list on our college group so please Take your exam pad and pen and sit at your respective seats don't forget to keep your bag in the front!"

Everyone reluctantly stood up and followed the instructions. Arya checked the list and Guess who she got? Well right guess.

Arya : "Seriously rudra! bappa Ise hi dena tha? Now rohan will be super pissed ."

Rohan :- "Whom you got? I got Aarush."

Rohan asked still annoyed. Arya looked at him nervous he raised his eyebrow at her he then snatched her phone from her hand.

Rohan :- "Wtf rudra?"

He glared at arya who looked down.

Rohan :- "You are not sitting with him!"

Arya :- "Rohan-"

Before she could finish rohan stood up and walked over to mr mishra. Who were busy handing over the papers.

Mr mishra :- "No rohan no one will get seats changed go and sit."

Mr mishra said with a bored expression and walked to the next desk. Rohan stomped his feat on the ground and looked at rudra who was already glaring at him.

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