Chapter 29 - Be careful

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Arya :- "lot of student's life has been ruined because of bullying just because someone wanted to have so called fun."

Arya spoke as she showed the graph of students who have suffered because of bullying.

Rudra :- "Around 58% of students experience mean remarks or insult either online or offline."

Arya :- "But Still bullying is seen as harmless but it's not, Because of bullying the person suffers through mental health problems like depression, anxiety."

Rudra :- "It also affects student's development but Bullying can be prevented if the students and institutions offices work together."

Arya :- "Good communication between students and parents is also important. If you are suffering bullying please speak up talk to someone, ask for help."

Rudra :- "Let's help each other."

With that everyone started clapping principal and Sheena mam stood up smiling they walked over to arya and rudra and patted their backs.

Principal :- "I am so proud of you two! I promise our institute will do everything it can to help prevent bullying."

Principal smiled proudly at the two, Arya and rudra smiled at each other and then at principal.

Arya :- "Thank you sir."

Rudra :- "Yes thank you sir."

Principal :- "We all should be the one thanking you for choosing this topic it opened our eyes."

Sheena :- "Yes sir these two really did a great job. I will make sure you get extra marks for this."

Rudra :- "Thank you sir, thank you mam."

Principal left the class Rudra and arya both were on cloud nine Their research , hard work paid off.

Arya beemed in happiness she hugged rudra.

Arya :- "I can't believe this They loved it We did it! I am so happy."

Rudra wrapped her arms around her.

Rudra :- "Told you it will be awesome."

They heard some clear their throat  which made them pull away.  They both turned to their side to see their friends.

Aarush :- "Party toh banti hai!"

Aarush said and the rest of the gang nodded in agreement.

Anmol :- "Yes we need party!"

Niti :- "Let's go somewhere how about a cafe?"

Just then kajal got a call it was from her mom she excused herself and answered it.

Meena vyas :- "Kajal you need to come to Shanti hospital fast your dad just had an heart attack."

Her mom said in between her sobs, kajal felt her heart drop to her stomach tears started flowing through her eyes.

Kajal :- "I'm coming."

She told her mother while trying to control her tears. She hung up and walked over to the gang.

Kajal :- "Guys..m-my da-d-

Kajal couldn't complete her sentence she burst out crying. Aarush hugged her immediately and started rubbing her back, She wrapped her arms around him tightly and started sobbing.

They all shared confused and worried glances, then rohan walked in the classroom with a tense expression.

Rohan :- "Kajal we need to go fast."

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