Chapter 44 - This situation sucks!

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Aarush Looked at the operation room the light was still red it's been more than half hour. He wanted to cry out loud but he needed to stay strong for mr.mahajani who was devasted.

He glanced at mr.mahajani who was standing outside the operation room since they took him inside he kept looking at the door. Aarush wiped his tears and walked over to him, he kept his palm on his shoulder.

Aarush :- "Uncle please sit down you are standing here since a long time."

Mr.mahajani just shook his head in denial and continued to look at door hopefully. Aarush let out a sigh mr.mahajani hadn't spoken anything after he informed aarush about rudra's accident.

Half hour ago

Aarush called rudra after he dropped kajal home but mr.mahajani answered it.

Aarush :- "Uncle is rudra..

He just heard sniffling from the other end now aarush was in full panic mode

Mr.Mahajani :- "Aarush..Rudra..

Mr.mahajani' voice trembled He now knew something was definitely wrong.

Aarush :- "What happened to him uncle?"

Aarush as he dreaded the negative thought mr.mahajani didn't said anything he just burst out crying, Making aarush more scared.

Aarush :- "Uncle?"

Aarush repeatedly said in the phone but mr.mahajani kept crying.

- "Hello mr. I'm inspector Patil Please come to We care hospital. Your friend Mr.mahajani got into a accident."

Police inspector explained cautiously.
When aarush heard the heartbreaking news Phone slipped from his hand and fell down. He felt his whole world shatter into infinit pieces. He just couldn't believe it rudra his best friend.. he immediately started the car and headed towards the hospital.

After he reached the hospital he got know that rudra was already taken into the operation room. He then saw Mr.mahajani standing outside the operation room not even moving a little bit. just looking at the door hopefully.

Present time

Aarush frowned he walked to the little temple of bappa which was in the hospital at the reception area. He kneeled down infront of bappa and joinned his hands together.

Aarush : "Please Bappa save my friend my jaan rudra! please just take me instead but please save him. He doesn't deserve this he is a good guy and you know that bappa Please just please i beg you please save him!"

Aarush burst into tears, he then felt someone's hand on his shoulder he looked up to see rohan looking at him with teary eyes he smiled at aarush reassuringly.

Rohan :- "Don't worry nothing will happen to that Idiot he is a fighter."

Aarush nodded he stood up and hugged rohan, today even rohan was praying for rudra.

Mr.kulkarni glanced at his daughter he didn't know how to tell her what had happened to her love he knew it would be heartbreaking for her. But there was no way he could tell her this without breaking her.

Arya :- "Dad.. What happened? Rudra is ok right?"

Arya asked hopefully mr.kulkarni hung his head low and frowned.

Mr.kulkarni :- "Rud--ra got into a accident."

First time in his life mr.kulkarni shivered he looked up at his daughter who froze in her spot, this was impossible she thought.

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