Chapter 34 - Wire.

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Rudra :- "I'm ready For this engagement."

Rudra announced his decision to his dad, Mahendra and meena. Mahendra and meena's face light up with happiness, he hugged rudra and patted his back.

Mahendra :- "I'm so happy rudra I knew you will take the right decision!"

Rudra pulled away he smiled a little and nodded.

Meena :- "We both are sure kajal will be happy with you."

Rudra nodded. he then looked at his dad who was frowning, rudra gave a reassuring nod to his dad  Mr.Mahajani nodded at this feeling relived that his son has plan. Rudra then glanced at kajal who was looking down trying to control her tears.

Mahendra :- "Let's go down we will do the engagement today."

Mr.Mahajani :- "What Today?!"

Mr.Mahajani almost shouted making all the them surprised.

Mahendra :- "Yes today. Its a special occasion lets make it more special."

Mahendra chuckled  rudra and his dad shared a look.

Meena :- "Not today please. I want to make it grand because it's my daughter's engagement."

Now the son and father let a sigh of relief.

Mahendra :- "Ok then let's do it tomorrow at the vyas mansion."

Except meena and mahendra the three frowned but nodded with a forced smile.


Rudra, Arya and Aarush were walking out of the house when they saw a car pulling up. It was kajal, Anmol, Niti and Noor. They all stepped out one by one, the trio walled over to them.

Kajal :- "Rudra, Arya  I am so sorry I didn't know..

Rudra :- "Kajal Relax  You don't have to say one except your parents and Rohini knew about this."

Arya nodded she smiled at kajal and placed her palm on her shoulder reassuringly making her smile.

Anmol :- "Wait rohini your mother she knew about this? How?"

Anmol asked the question everyone was thinking about that how rohini is involved.

Rudra :- "I know her She definitely planned  all this, just now I need to find out what's her motive..And for that..

Rudra glanced at noor who nodded understanding what he was going to ask.

Noor :- "On it."

Noor smiled at rudra who nodded.

Aarush :- "Ok For those who are wondering, what the hell is happening i will explain.. Noor is a lawyer like to be lawyer so she has access to things so she can find out about anyone."

Everyone looked on little confused and noor, rudra shook their head controlling their laugh.

Anmol :- "I just understood that she can find out about anyone and that's awesome!"

Noor :- "Thanks."

Niti :- But yes yaar can't you explain easily?

Aarush gave anmol and niti a done face making everyone chuckle.

Anmol :- "What?"

Aarush let out a sigh and shook his head.

Rudra :- "I want to know, in this past few Years what rohini's been up to, Whom she met, why she met them I want every detail please."

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