Chapter 10 - The Truth.

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Arya couldn't believe her eyes when she saw rohan kissing another girl She just stood there frozen. Kajal was feeling bad for her but she had to know the truth.

She saw rohan with a girl when she came to the same pub yesterday.


Kajal :- "I need to go to the washroom I'll be back."

- "Sure!"

Kajal told her friends and stood up she asked one of the staff where the bathroom was and headed in that direction she was told.

While going to the bathroom kajal passed by a table she felt like she saw rohan at the table with a girl.

Kajal : Was that rohan? But how can he be here?

She turned around to check but what she saw shocked her, yes it was indeed rohan with some random girl he was kissing her cheek.

She felt disgusted at her cousin for doing this to her friend. She just quietly walked away she had to tell this to arya.

Flashback end.

She looked at arya who was still standing there frozen her eyes were filled with tears She looked like she would burst into tears any minute.

Kajal :- "Arya."

Kajal was about to keep her hand on arya's shoulder but before she could arya just looked at her one last time and ran out of there.

Kajal ran after her calling her name but she didn't stop Arya ran out the door kajal was about to run after her but because of the sudden crowd at the main door she couldn't follow her and she lost her.

She immediately took out her phone and called aarush.
Aarush who was at his house playing games saw kajal's name pop on his phone screen he picked it up with joy.

Aarush :- "Hey Kajal!"

Kajal :- "Aarush please come fast at the royals pub!"

Aarush sensed her panicked voice he stood up and grabbed his jeans from the wardrobe.

Aarush :- "What's wrong kajal are you ok?"

He asked while wearing his jeans .

Kajal :- "I'm fine.... just arya!"

Kajal explained the whole thing to aarush while trying to control her tears , when he got to know what rohan did he was really pissed.

Aarush :- "I knew it that A-Hole!"

Kajal :- "Please come fast i can't find her man!"

Kajal cried while looking around for her after making her way out of the pub.

Aarush :-" I'm on my way stay there!"

Aarush quickly wore his shirt and grabbed his bike keys, He then immediately called rudra.
Rudra was at a success party of his dad's friend he really didn't wanted to come but his dad forced him saying..

Mr mahajani :- "You need to get along with people!"

Rudra sighed he sat down on one of the chairs when his phone rang, it was aarush. He answered it but before he could say hello he heard aarush's panicked voice He immediately sensed something was wrong.

Rudra :- "What's wrong?"

Aarush :- "It's about arya!"

When rudra heard arya's name he stood up and was already on his way out of the house.

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