Chapter 28 - Are you mad?

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Arya and rudra were  walking to their class, today was the final presention of their research project. They had to give the presentation to their project head Sheena mam and principal.

And arya was super worried while rudra was relaxed.

Arya :- "I hope it goes well I am nervous!"

Arya hung her head low worried rudra threw his hand over arya's shoulder smiling at her reassuringly.

Rudra :- "It will be awesome don't worry we will get full marks."

Arya nodded she started listing everything they had prepared.

Arya :- "Yeah we prepared everything well hard and soft copy of report and pendrive."

As arya mentioned pendrive rudra remembered he forgot it in the car.

Rudra :- "God I forgot the pendrive in  the car you go ahead i will bring it."

Arya :- "Come fast."

Rudra :- "Yes."

Rudra jogged back to the parking lot, arya chuckled and continued walking to the classroom.

Arya :- "I hope Mam likes our project bappa!"

Rohan :- "I hope so baby."

Arya stopped in her tracks when she saw rohan standing in front of her with a annoying smirk.

Arya :- "Get out of my way!"

Arya gritted her teeth he was the last person she wanted to see.

Rohan :- "Aww I bet you missed me."

Rohan stepped closer to arya she stepped back still glaring at him.

Rohan :- "I heard you got a new boyfriend."

Rohan winked at her he was about to touch her cheek but someone held his hand they both turned to their side  to see rudra.

Rudra twisted his hand making him scream in pain then he pushed rohan hard making him fall on the ground.

Rudra :- "If you tried to touch her again I will break both your hands."

Rudra glared at rohan who rolled his eyes.

Rohan :- "Here comes Rudra Mahajani the great Savior."

Rohan laughed as he stood up, he smirked at rudra and stood infront of him.

Rohan :- "You have guts rudra i must admit."

Rudra rolled his eyes and arya let a frustrated sigh.

Arya :- "Just go away rohan no one wants to see your face here ok!"

Rohan :- "Oh I am not the one who should be hiding his face My mother didn't run away abandoning her son."

Rohan smirked like a devil but his happiness of insulting rudra was short lived when rudra punched him hard on the face and rohan fell on the ground.

Arya was surprised she never thought this was the reason rudra hates his mother. She looked at rudra who was throwing daggers at rohan who had the same look on his face as rudra.

Rohan stood up and with that, the two boys started punching and kicking each other. Arya was scared they both were looking like they would kill each other.

Arya :- "Both of you stop right now please!"

Rudra :- "Arya go! I don't want you to get hurt."

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