Chapter 5 - Hoody

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Arya sighed again her mom was giving her lecture about her studies while they were having dinner.  And unfortunately  her sister sonakshi was not home  today to save her from her mom's lecture.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Seriously arya you should focus on your studies This is your final year of graduation! You need good score.."

Arya now had tears in her eyes this was a daily thing her mom always lectured over her study.

Arya :- "Mom please i had a very tiring day today and your lectures never help!"

Arya said with a pleading face.

Mrs kulkarni :- "I am worried about you arya!"

Arya looked at her mom with tears in her eyes now Mrs kulkarni's face softened.

Arya :- "Mom then please just for today don't be worried like I will be fine i am just not good in maths in other subject i score good!"

With that arya stood up and strommed out of the house.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Arya! Come back!"

Mrs kulkarni called after her but she didn't listen. Mr kulkarni who were listening to everything sighed and stood up

Mr kulkarni :- "Don't worry she will come back and please stop all this anu."

With that he too walked away to their bedroom. Mrs kulkarni frowned and kept her hand on her forehead.

Arya stopped running because of feeling out of breath.

Arya :- "Can my day get any worse?!!"

She yelled in frustration and as she said this it started raining.

Arya :- "Just great!!"

She yelled looking up at the sky. She then saw the same bus stop from the morning she sighed and sat down on one of the seats  she saw no one was around it was only her.

Arya :- "God man why my life is soo bad!! Like it consists of only two things getting myself embarrassed and then getting yelled at by my mom. Seriously bappa kahi tari chan hou de na!!" (bappa kuch toh acha kar do na!)


She heard someone saying she looked up to see who it was.

Arya :- "You!"

Rudra was looking at her with a amused smile he was wearing a black hoody  and  he was a little wet.

Rudra :- "Yes me!"

Rudra sat down beside her, He ran his hand through his wet hair even this simple action made him look good and that frustrated arya even more.

Arya : "Damn Why so good!?"

Rudra :- "What are you doing here? I am damn sure you don't come here daily at ..10:00 pm"

He looked at his watch and then back at her.

Rudra :- "Just to talk to yourself."

Arya :- "Yes I come here to talk to myself ok! I am weird! Everyone is right I am dumb i am the worst person !!"

Arya said in one breath while trying to control her tears. Rudra sighed and leaned his head back on the seat.

Rudra :- "Yeah you are dumb for thinking that."

Arya looked at rudra pissed but he was looking ahead at the Street lamp

Rudra :- "Arya just because someone says something about you that doesn't mean that's true ok. Only you know yourself deeply so only your opinion matters about yourself."

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