Chapter 18 - Her.

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Niti burst into the room  followed by kajal and arya, the girls were shocked to see girls in less clothes dancing around.

They looked around for the boys and saw them sitting down talking to each other, well aarush was slapping anmol who was crying and rudra was rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

Niti :- "Anmol!"

Niti yelled his name while walking over to him Anmol stopped crying and looked ahead to see niti.

Anmol :- "Hey niti-

Anmol smiled at niti but his smile dropped when he saw her angry look.

Niti:- "Shut up and let's go!"

Niti dragged anmol outside aarush stood up and ran towards kajal when he saw her.

Aarush :- "Damn i missed you!"

Aarush hugged Kajal making her smile.

Kajal :- "Let's go."

Aarush :- "Yes and arya please take care of rudra !"

Aarush smiled at arya who was trying Not to laugh.

Kajal :- "We are waiting outside."

Arya :- "Yeah."

Kajal and aarush walked out of the house arya took a deep breath and walked over to rudra.

Arya :- "Rudra."

Arya sat on her knees rudra looked up at her and smiled.

Rudra :- "Arya!"

Arya couldn't help but blush the way he was smiling at her was making her heart race.

Rudra :- "You here?"

Arya :- "Yeah to take you home."

Rudra :-  "Aww that's soo sweet babe."

Arya blushed hard by his babe he was still smiling at her.

Arya :- "Let's go."

Arya held out her hand for rudra he took it and stood up he was stumbling so arya put his hand around her shoulder and she put her around his waist and helped him walk to the car.

Kajal was already in her car with aarush and niti was with her in the back seat with anmol.

Arya :- "Kajal You take anmol and aarush to their house I'll drop rudra."

Arya said when she was near her car.

Kajal :- "Do you know his house address?"

Arya bit her tongue and shook her head.

Arya :- "Then I will take him to my house."

Kajal :- "Ok sure."

Aarush :- "Wow hum tum ghar main akele ho aur chabi kho jaye!"

Aarush laughed making anmol laugh too, Niti glared at the two.

Niti :- "Pura gana hi ulta kiya!"

Arya made rudra seat in the back seat of her car she was buckling his seatbelt her face was so close to his face.

Rudra :- "You look so beautiful."

Rudra sais out of nowhere while smiling Arya blushed she looked down and continued buckling his seat belt.

Arya :- "Done."

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