Chapter 40 - Pyaar dosti hai.

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● At the Garden ●

Aarush and Kajal were sitting on the huge swing which was in the garden.

Aarush's one hand was on her shoulder and other was holding her hand. Kajal's head was on his chest, they were looking up at the stars.

Kajal :- " I'm So happy today."

Aarush :- "Me too. This is the best day of my life!"

Kajal suddenly started laughing. Aarush looked down at her confused.

Kajal :- "Do You remember the day when I first came to talk to you."

Aarush closed his eyes in embarrassment.

Aarush :- "How can I forget that day man! I legit ran away."

Kajal laughed hard at this making aarush laugh too.

Kajal :- "I thought I did or said something wrong I was so worried."

Kajal chuckled aarush gave her a sheepish smile.

Aarush :- "I couldn't believe it that the popular girl of our college came to talk to me."

Kajal :- "Well you had my attention since day one."

Kajal smiled at aarush who smiled and kissed her Forehead.

Aarush :- "What did you see in me kajal?"

Kajal smiled lovingly at aarush she kissed his cheek making him blush.

Kajal :- "Everyone in our college was trying to win me over but you didn't. You didn't treat me like I'm some trophy you made me feel so special. Your pure heart, your humour,  everything about you, made me fall in love with you even more."

Aarush :- "I love you so much."

Kajal :- "I love you even more."

Aarush and kajal smiled at each other. Aarush leaned down and kissed her. They both smiled in the kiss it was soft and full of love.

● At the home theater room●

Anmol and niti were watching kuch kuch hota hai.

Srk -  "Pyaar dosti hai."

At this niti and anmol glanced at each other. They both held the eye contact for long, both thinking about their feelings for each other.

Anmol :- "I think I like you."

Anmol let it out suddenly he smiled nervously at niti who was little surprised.

Anmol :- "I liked you from a long time just couldn't say it."

Niti listened quietly she couldn't believe it. He felt the same way and all this time she thought it was one sided.

Anmol :- "But if you don't feel the same-

But then niti kissed him on the cheek , his eyes widened.

Niti :- "I like you too."

Niti smiled brightly at him now anmol couldn't stop blushing. He covered his face with his hands niti chuckled, she wrapped her arms around him.

Niti :- "You are soo damn cute."

Anmol :- "God bas bas mujhe sharam aa rahi hai!"

Niti :- "Aree hamse kya sharmana!"

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