Chapter 36 - Don't copy me!

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- "Do you know Rudra and Kajal's engagement is fixed."

- "I knew it they would get married genius and Diva of our college it was obvious."

- "You are right man obviously she would marry rudra he is so  rich."

Rohan Heard the boys as he entered the classroom, he walked over to them and grabbed their collars.

Rohan :- "No one dares to talk bad about my sister ok NO ONE so shut your mouth and LEAVE!"

Rohan gave them a death glare The boys got scared and ran away, rohan rolled his eyes and sat down on his usual seat.

Aarush and rudra who just entered the classroom saw the whole thing.

Aarush :- "Gabbar turned Thakur?"

Aarush raised his eyebrows in surprise. But rudra's face was neutral.

Rudra :- "He really loves his sister and that's why he is protective."

Aarush :- "Well atleast he loves someone."

Rohan :- "I can hear you."

Rohan gave aarush a forced smile which he returned back.

Aarush :- "Last time I checked I still don't care."

Rohan stood up, he walked over to rudra and aarush. He glanced at aarush who was rolling his eyes he ignored him and stood in front of rudra.

Rohan :- "I hope you have a plan rudra because there is no way I want my sister to marry against her will."

Aarush :- "Can someone pinch me I can't believe this!"

Aarush blinked his eyes repeatedly and then pinched himself.

Aarush :- "Ouch! I am not dreaming hey maa mataji!!"

Aarush kept his hand on his chest and looked at rohan like he just said he is a vampire.

Rohan :- "You can't stop being dramatic right?"

Rohan glared at aarush who shook his head in denial while smiling. Rudra chuckled at the two.

Rudra :- "Don't worry that won't happen."

Rohan :- "That's good. And whatever plan you have I want to help."

Rudra raised his eyebrow at him, rohan rolled his eyes and let out a huge sigh.

Rohan :- "Yes I'm offering my help now say something I'm already feeling embarrassed."

Aarush :- "You call that offering help?"

Aarush wrinkled his nose at rohan who glared at him.

Rohan :- "Please its already very easy for me don't make it more easy!"

Aarush :- "Ok ok whatever!"

Aarush stuck out his tongue at rohan who ignored him. He looked back at rudra who was laughing

Rohan :- "Rudra stop laughing and say something!"

Rudra :- "Ok You can."

Aarush :- "But how can we trust you?"

Rohan :- "I really want to help my sister."

Rudra and aarush could feel the genuiness in his words, they both nodded.

Rohan :- "Now I don't say thank you so what i am about to tell you consider that as thank you."

Rudra furrowed his eyebrow he glanced at aarush who had the same expression.

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