Chapter 27- Female Gabbar

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Rudra's alarm started ringing he groaned and slapped his palm on the alarm button shutting it. he opened his eyes, he remembered what happened yesterday and how arya said yes to him.

A smile formed on his lips he never thought she would say yes to him.

Rudra : "Just one bus ride changed everything."

He smiled and sat up rubbing his eyes, he rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

After 15 mins he was ready he grabbed his phone from the side table. He dialed arya's number and called her he couldn't wait to talk to her he wanted to hear her voice.

Here Arya heard her phone ring she tried to ignore it at first but it started ringing again.

Arya :- "Who is calling at 7:00 am man?!"

After 2 rings she finally picked up with a dull irritated voice.

Arya :- "Who is it?"

Rudra controlled his laugh he wanted to prank her. He changed his voice to raspy one.

Rudra :- "Mam do you want a loan?"

Arya :- "Seriously are you dumb? At 7:00 am you are asking this!? God whats wrong with you man?!"

Arya asked she was clearly irritated but here rudra was having fun.

Rudra :- "I need money mam they will cut off my salary!"

Rudra fake cried he really wanted to laugh out loud but he controlled his laughter.

Arya :- "Look please my dad has a huge business just apply for a job there And leave me alone! I just wanted to wake up to my boyfriend's call idiot and you!"

Rudra decided to end his prank.

Rudra :- "Babe it's me."

Arya :- "Now you are calling me babe if my boyfriend found out he will beat you up!"

Rudra :- "Meri jaan it's me."

Arya now realized it was rudra she sat up in her bed smiling.

Arya :- "Oh so its you ! and at 7:00 am you decided to prank me?"

Rudra :- "I couldn't help it."

Rudra burst out laughing arya too started laughing. After 10 mins of only laughing finally rudra spoke.

Rudra :- "Good morning and sorry."

Arya :- "Good morning and its ok it was funny! Btw You must be all ready huh and I am still in bed."

Rudra :- "Do you want me to come and help you get ready?"

Arya knew rudra was smirking she blushed hard.

Rudra :- "So need my help babe?"

Arya :- "No thank you I can get ready myself."

Rudra and arya chuckled it was really a beautiful moment for them.

Arya :- "Now let me get ready See you in college."

Rudra :- "Ok sure, Bye."

Arya :- "Bye."

Arya hung up the call. A bright smile was on her lips.

Arya :- "God this is just so special I love you rudra!!"

Arya covered her face with a pillow.
Rudra wore a red T-shirt and blue ripped jeans.

--Rudra wore a red T-shirt and blue ripped jeans

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