Chapter 48 - Revenge

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Rohini looked around cautiously to check if anyone saw her there, to her luck there was no one in sight. she smirked slowly she walked into rudra'a ward and closed the door behind her so no one would barge in.

She then turned to look at rudra his whole face was covered with bandages and a full face oxygen mask was covering his face. It was hard to recognize him.

Rohini:- "I feel so bad for you beta."

Rohini chuckled as she walked closer to rudra's bed.

Rohini :- "I had to do it to take revenge on your dad!!"

Rohini sat on the nearby chair she clenched her fist as she remembered what happened in the past.

Rohini:- "Your dad ruined everything he ..he killed my husband! He killed my pratik!!"

Rohini almost shouted she clenched both her fist as tears rolled down her cheek.

Rohini :- "I was happy with him but your dad couldn't see it he planned his accident and killed my pratik!! I wanted revenge and the only way was to ruin your life That's why I planned suchi's accident so you would be devasted and so will be namik!"

Rohini now started laughing like a maniac.

Rohini :- "But my planned failed when that arya walked in your life you were now happy and so was namik! And I couldn't see that so this time I planned your accident and I'm sure this time I won!"

"I'm sorry but again you failed."

Rohini was shocked she turned in the direction of the voice too see arya standing with mr.mahajani , aarush and om.

Aarush :- "And boom! Everything is finally revealed."

Aarush smirked at rohini who was glaring at them.

Arya :- "You again failed."

Arya walked closer to rohini who chuckled and stood up.

Rohini :- "Aww I think you are really traumatized because of your boyfriend's accident that you can't see the truth. I won!"

Rohini stepped closer to arya smiling. Arya burst out laughing making her smile turn into a confused look.

Arya :- "Do you really think I would let anything happen to my love."

Rohini :- "What do you mean?"

Arya :- "Rudra is completely fine and safe."

Arya smiled. Rohini was now shocked she looked at aarush, mr.mahajani and om who were smiling too.

Rohini :- "Then this?"

Rohini pointed at the fake rudra who was laying on the bed.

Arya :- "It's just a dummy."

Rohini couldn't believe it she lifted his hand and yes indeed it was dummy.

Arya :- "And One more twist for you whatever speech you just made is recorded."

Arya smirked at rohini, her face was now pale.

Aarush :- "Wanna hear your voice?"

Aarush played the video and in the video you could clearly see and hear rohini revealing her own sins.

Rohini :- "You!! But don't be so happy Namik will go with me in jail!"

Rohini smiled at mr.mahajani like a devil but he rolled his eyes at her.

Arya :- "I don't think so."

Just then Om walked ahead he took his phone and showed another recorded video where a man was sitting with the police officers.

- "Yes I killed pratik khanna! Because of him and his business my whole business flopped no one was buying my products I was going to become bankrupt !"

The man hung his head low in shame.

- "That's why I killed him and made it look like it's was a accident. I even gave false information to his wife that her ex husband did it."

Rohini was shocked she fell down on her knees.

Rohini :- "And I thought namik did it I blamed and tried to ruin a innocent man's life. I even killed a innocent girl."

Rohini burst out crying she kept repeating the same thing over and over. Just then police entered female constables handcuffed rohini as she still cried.

Rohini :- "Please take me away."

They took rohini away finally she was going to get punished for what she did.

Arya let out a long sigh she wiped her tears which she didn't realize were rolling down her cheeks. She turned to look at mr.mahajani, aarush and om who were also in tears.

Om :- "Finally my sister's culprit is behind the bars. Thank you arya because of you my sister got her justice."

Om smiled at arya greatfully arya smiled back.

Arya :- "I didn't do anything om bhai you told us this important information that's why we could catch her."


Om :- "When I got to know that rohini is back I went to research about her because I knew she was back for a reason."

Aarush :- "What did you find out?"

Om :- "Rohini's husband pratik khanna had a accident few years back he died on the spot."

Mr.mahajani :- "Yeah I had heard about pratik."

Mr.mahajani told them as he remembered when he first heard the news even tho he was pissed at her he still felt bad for rohini.

Om :- "She thinks you did it uncle."

Om told him cautiously.

Mr.mahajani :- "What?"

Mr.mahajani was shocked how can she think he killed her husband, he thought.
Arya and aarush were equally shocked as mr.mahajani. they looked between the two of them.

Arya :- "But why?"

Om :- "Because pratik khanna's biggest rival made it look like it so she would think its namik uncle."

Aarush :- "What the hell is this yaar?! This is getting even more complicated!"

Arya :- "Exactly this is really sick."

Mr.mahajani :- "Now I understand everything, she wanted to take revenge on me that's why she tried to ruin rudra's life."

Mr.mahajani couldn't control his tears now all this was heartbreaking for him. Aarush quickly hugged mr.mahajani.

Aarush :- "She will pay for her sins uncle i promise!"

Mr.mahajani smiled and patted his back. They pulled away from the hug aarush smiled at mr.mahajan reassuringly.

Arya :- "Yes she will pay for her sins!"

Arya's face turned serious everyone looked on at her feeling confused.

Om :- "But how?"

Arya glanced at the three then smirked.

Arya :- "I have an idea."

NOTE - English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistakes.

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