Chapter 1 - Ajeeb.

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Dialogues in bold are thoughts.

"Arya! Arya!!

Arya groaned in frustration and rolled around in her bed. She hated to wake up in the morning. she always complained about mornings and early morning college.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Arya wake up! You will get late!"

Mrs kulkarni yelled for the hundredth time now. She shook her head in disappointment at her daughter when she saw her sleeping on her stomach with one leg in air and the whole blanket on floor.

Mrs kulkarni :- "It's already 9 in the morning arya! You will get late for college! "

Yelled mrs kulkarni at her daughter while shaking her.

Arya :- "Yes mom i heard you! "

Arya yelled back in frustration. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at her mom who was looking through her wardrobe which was really huge. Her mom walked up to her with a white T-shirt and black jeans And her college jacket which was not that attractive and arya hated wearing it.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Ok I even selected your outfit for you so now go get ready fast!"

Mrs kulkarni said to her daughter while shaking her shoulder.

Arya :-. "Yes mom don't yell please"

arya said still feeling sleepy. Mrs kulkarni walked out of her room and arya sighed. She grabbed her phone and opened messages to see her boyfriend rohan's message.

"Goood Morning baby ❤️"

Arya smiled and replied back with "good morning baby ❤️"

Arya kept her phone at the side table and rushed to the bathroom. Before her mom could yell again.

After half hour she was ready she grabbed her phone kept it in her bag and ran downstairst to the dining table Her mom was glaring at her while her dad was busy reading a newspaper.

Her mom was always strict and organized she always wanted to do everything on time and arya was far from organised and that always resulted in arguments with her mother.

Her dad was compared to her mom, was not that strict he was always busy in work and that's why he never really paid attention he always just gave her what she needs. And arya never really minded she had her amazing big sister sonakshi.

Who was totally opposite of arya she was well organized and she always had everything planned before. but she is always there to help arya and they had a amazing bond.

Mrs kulkarni :-. "Finally someone is ready thank god!"

Mrs kulkarni said while Rolling her eyes at arya.

Arya :- "Yes mom."

arya gave her a bored look mrs kulkarni only shook her head and continued eating.

Sonakshi :- "So Aru ready for today's exam?"

sonakshi asked her while eating paratha. Arya had totally forgot about today's surprise math test which was not so surprise because her professor couldn't keep it a secret. She had only studied two units and after that she went out with rohan. math was not her favorite subject and well who's favourite subject will it be?

Arya :- "Damn yaar that stupid maths!!"

arya clenched her fist her in anger.

Mrs kulkarni :- "What?! You have test and you didn't even tell me?!!! Did you prepare well for it or not? You got C in last exam! "

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