Chapter 41 - Danger.

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Rohini didn't do anything for few weeks and that made Rudra more suspicious. He knew she was planning something big and he knew what.

Rudra :- "Mohit I need more security around everyone, Keep an close eye on everyone."

Mohit :-"Yes rudra."

Mohit is rudra's secret helper, he does rudra's every important work.

Rudra :- "Is the police informed?"

Mohit :- "Yes I informed the police they said they will be there."

Rudra :- "Did you request them to be in casual clothes?"

Mohit :- "Yes rudra I did."

Rudra :- "Ok Thank you mohit."

Mohit :- "Don't say thank you rudra."

Just then he heard mr.mahajani calling out to him

Mrs.mahajani :- "Rudra come fast we are getting late!"

Rudra :- "Coming dad! ok See you there."

With that rudra hung up he let out a sigh and went downstairs to the car.

Today was janmashtami so on this occasion their college organised a dahi handi program.

They also kept a competition between students, whoever will break the handi will be awarded with a trophy.  And of course students made girls vs boys group and arya was one of the member.

With arya also Aarush, kajal, anmol and niti were participating but our rudra and rohan weren't allowed because college didn't wanted them to end up fighting again.

Man that's not fair right?

Well even rudra would have hard time focusing on the competition because he was worried about today. He knew something was going to happen and well his concern was right because here noor found out something.

Noor :- "Are you sure?"

- "Yes mam I'm sure I rechecked everything."

Noor :- "How can that happen? God I can't believe this."

Noor clenched her fist her hand feeling frustrated.

- "And mam I have one more information."

Noor :- "What is it?"

- "Arya mam is in danger."

Noor :- "What?!"

Noor couldn't believe it, two shocking information back to back. She recalled everything, the electric wire incident didn't made sense.

Noor :- "I need to tell this to Rudra fast!"

Noor hung up the call she grabbed her purse and rushed to the function location.

Here Arya arrived at the location with her girl gang and parents. She was feeling really excited for today after all she was going to break the handi.

Mrs kulkarni :- "You be careful ok arya please!"

Her mom told her for the 100th time today she was extremely worried for her daughter.

Arya :- "Mom I'll be fine don't worry."

Arya gave her mother a reassuring smile, her mother nodded and smiled back nervously.

Mrs kulkarni:- "Please don't get hurt."

Mr.kulkarni :- "God don't worry she will be fine she is our daughter she is a fighter Right arya?"

Arya :- "Right dad!"

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