Chapter 43 - Don't worry

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Rohini was fuming in anger she grabbed the vase from the nearby table and threw it at the wall breaking it into pieces.

Rohini :- "You are acting smart rudra Now I'll show you who's really smart. Gracy!!"

Rohini yelled for someone and Just then a girl who looked to be in her 30's came rushing.

- "Mam did you call me?"

Rohini :- "Yes I did. Time to execute Plan B."

Rohini smirked at gracy who's eyed widened, Fear was all on her face.

Gracy :- "But mam he is your son...Why are you doing this to him?"

Rohini :- "He is not my son!"

Rohini shouted making gracy more scared.

Rohini :- "You ask me why? I will tell you His father is a killer and I want him to SUFFER! And only way he would suffer is when rudra will suffer."

Rohini smirked it was the most devilish smirk gracy has seen.

Rohini :- "That's why I killed his girlfriend suchi So he would be devasted and seeing him like this namik would be even more devasted. But that stupid Arya ruined it all! But no problem now I'll execute my biggest plan."

Rohini suddenly started laughing like a maniac, now gracy was convinced that her madam was mentally insane.

Rohini :- "Rudra thinks those attacks were for his arya (Rohini said mockingly) well he thinks that because I made him think that, I wanted him to think that, so he wouldn't be ready for the threat on himself."

She sat on the sofa still laughing she looked at her scared assistant and laughed even more.

Rohini :- "This is perfect time rudra is angry and not alert go and execute my plan dear."

Gracy was feeling bad for rudra but she didn't had any choice, she reluctantly nodded and was about to go but then rohini stopped her.

Rohini :- "Wait I'll do it myself."

Rohini picked up her phone and called someone.

Rohini :- "Do it and listen don't you dare miss him!"

- "Don't worry mam I won't miss."

Rohini :- "Good."

Rohini hung up the call and leaned back in the sofa with a devilish smile.

Here the function was over everyone was going home.

Aarush was dropping Kajal home and rohan was dropping noor , anmol and niti home.
Arya was going with her parents because her mom wanted arya to come with her to her nani's house.

Arya :- "I don't know why I just don't want to go with them today like I love going to nani's place but today I don't want to, I want to come with you."

Rudra :- "It's ok arya we can go on a long bike ride at night but right now your nani wants to see you and spend time with you."

Rudra smiled at arya, making her smile too she let out a sigh and nodded.

Arya :- "You are right but long ride pakka na?"

Rudra :- "100% pakka!"

They both smiled at each other rudra kissed her forehead.

Rudra :- "Have fun."

Arya :- "I'll try and you go home safely!"

Rudra :- "Yes my jaan."

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