Chapter 38 - Check and mate.

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Nanu :- "Yes rudra and Kajal's kundalis don't match."

At this Mahendra vyas panicked he looked at his wife who mirrored his expression.

Mahendra :- "Then this engagement can't happen."

Rudra smirked he glanced at rohini who was shocked. Arya smiled happily she looked over at Rudra who winked at her.

Rohini :-"Are you mad?! who believes in kundali and stuff nowadays?"

Rohini said while making a face.

Meena :- "We believe in it Rohini."

Meena said sternly to rohini who rolled her eyes.

Mahendra :- "In all this preparations I didn't check the kundali."

Mahendra walked over to nanu and smiled at him.

Mahendra :- "Thank you so much nanu."

Rohini :- "Listen Mr vyas-

But before she could finish mahendra vyas spoke.

Mahendra  :- "You listen Rohini I don't know about you but we strongly believe in it so the decision is final this engagement is cancelled."

Kajal smiled in relief , she looked at Aarush who had the same smile on his face.

Rohan : "Well done mahajani."

Rohan smiled as he shook his head to the side.

Anmol :- "I can't believe this!"

Niti :- "That's why he was soo calm."

Niti said as she looked on at the scene.

Noor :- "That was a divine move."

Noor smiled feeling proud at rudra. Anmol furrowed his eyebrows not understanding what it meant.

Anmol :- "What does that mean?"

Rohan :- "Uh I'll tell you Divine move means a rare, powerful move that can completely change the game."

Noor :- "Wow I didn't expected that would know about divine move."

Rohan rolled his eyes at noor who made face at him.

Niti : "Another couple on the way?"

Niti smirked at the two who were throwing daggers at each other.

Meena :- "But if we cancel the engagement people will gossip about Kajal."

Meena looked on  worried,  making mahendra tense again. Rohni smirked but before she could say anything mr.Mahajani spoke.

Mr.Mahajani :- "You don't worry mrs vyas no one will gossip about kajal."

Mahendra :- "How?"

Mahendra vyas furrowed his eyebrows as he looked on at  Mr.mahajani who was  smiling.

Mr.Mahajani :- "She will get engaged to someone best."

Mr.Mahajani threw his hand over Aarush's shoulder. He looked up at Mr.Mahajani surprised.

Mahendra :- "But who namik?"

Mr.Mahajani :- "Aarush."

Everyone looked on at mr.mahajani, some were shocked but some were happy.

Rudra looked at rohan who nodded.

Rohan :- "I agree uncle aarush is really a nice guy and even kajal likes him."

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