Chapter 6 - Not home.

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Arya :- "Rohan can you give me your hoody? I am feeling cold."

Rohan and arya were going to their home after college. And It was suddenly raining heavly and like today arya was drenched.

Rohan :- "Arya the heater is on so relax."

Arya :- "Heater is not working properly!"

Arya was trying to control her raising anger.

Rohan :- "I am cold too arya! You should have your own."

Arya was taken back by this she felt hurt but she choose not to say anything.

Flashback end

Rudra :- "Is that your house?"

Rudra asked arya ,bringing her back from her thoughts.

Arya :- "What?"

Rudra :-  "That house.. is that yours?"

Rudra asked while pointing at her house. Arya looked in the direction and nodded.

Arya :- "Yeah thanks."

Rudra now looked at her House which was two floors house.

Rudra :- "It's ok and cool house."

Arya :- "Thanks but I am sure your house must be really big mansion."

Arya said while smiling but she noticed rudra's smile drop.

Rudra :- "Yeah it's a mansion not home."

Arya didn't know what to say but then rudra smiled it was a forced smile.

Rudra :- "Don't feel bad it's fine."

Arya nodded she realized rudra had everything but something was missing in his life. But she had no right to say or ask so she just choose not to say anything.

Arya :- "Thanks again good night."

Rudra :- "Good night."

Rudra was now back to his usual serious face. Arya got out of the car she smiled at rudra and walked  inside her house. Rudra kept looking at her till she was out of his sight.

Rudra sighed and started driving back the way he came from.

Arya saw the door was still open and her mom was sitting on the living room sofa. She felt bad, her mother was looking really tense. she slowly walked inside.

Mrs kulkarni looked at her daughter and rushed to hug her.

Mrs kulkarni :- "Thank God you are ok! I was so worried!"

Arya hugged her mom tightly.

Arya :- "Sorry mom."

Mrs kulkarni :- "No bacha it was my fault I was being extra hard. Please forgive me."

Arya pulled away from the hug and saw her mom crying she wipped her mom's tears.

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