To New Beginnings- 1

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POV of The Reader:

"Y/N get down here right this second!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I wonder what she wants. Maybe she found out about me stealing her rings or maybe she found out about how I almost burned the house down last week or maybe- you know what, I'm not going to think about this anymore.

"Coming!" I yelled hoping that she heard me. I set down my box of records and headed down stairs. I walked into the living room to see my mom and dad standing there. They both looked weird. They didn't look like their usual selves. Something's up with them.

"Uhhh what's going on? Did someone die or something?" My mom looked up at me instantly with a sad and angry expression on her face. "Okay, yeah maybe I shouldn't have said that considering Grandpa died yesterday..." They both had sullen looks on their faces. "Okay you guys are freaking me out. What the hell is going on?!"

After a couple seconds of unbearable silence my dad spoke up. "Look..there's no easy way to say this-" I interrupted him by yelling "Then say it the hard way! Just stop beating around the bush! Tell me what's going on before I loose my god damned mind!"

"We're moving." My mom said before my dad could say anything else. I went wide eyed. "What did you just say?" I asked still not comprehending exactly what's going on. "We're moving to a different state." I took in what she said for a second before speaking up. "Oh come on! You're still mad I punched that kid and broke his jaw?! He said that I looked stupid! I had the obligation to do it! I mean come on he's fine now...I think. But that's not the point, why're we moving?!"

"I got an amazing job opportunity and I can't pass it up. I know it's going to be hard to get adjusted to life in a new state but come on, can you at least give it a try for me?" My mom spoke up trying her best to persuade me into liking this opportunity. I sighed and looked at the floor while tapping me foot aggressively. "At least tell me where we're moving to."

She perked up and happily said, "We're going to this quaint little town called Hawkins in Indiana. It's a bit of a long drive considering where we live but it'll be worth it! I promise."

Hawkins? I've never heard of that place before..I guess it doesn't sound that bad. I mean, as boring as our town is, I'm sure something exciting will come of this.

"Okay, this doesn't sound that bad. When are we leaving?" I asked. "We'll leave tomorrow." My mom paused and smiled brightly. "I'm so glad you're willing to give this a chance!" She came running up to me and hugged me very tightly. "Okay, okay, that's enough hugs." As much as I love my mom, she can be overbearing at times. She can also be pretty damn strict. But you know what they say, strict parents raise sneaky kids.

"Well, I guess I better start packing then. Call me when dinners ready." I started to make my way up stairs thinking about what might happen in that little town. I made it to my room and plopped down on my bed. I looked over and my box full of records and had a great idea. I walked over to my boombox and noticed what was in the cassette slot.

My parents didn't think I would turn out like this. They thought I would be the perfect girly girl that loves to wear dresses, wear makeup, and love pop music. But no. I'm the exact opposite. I fucking hate dresses, I only wear makeup every so often, and I'm only into Rock and a little bit of Metal. I wear clothes that boys would normally wear. I've failed years in school. In fact I'm still trying to get that god damned diploma.

I like to skateboard, I play guitar and I especially have no fucks to give. I don't make friends. I'm not the type that's all buddy buddy with people. I bite. Literally. I once bit a kid and sent him to the hospital. I like to pick fights. And I win them. There's not a single fight I haven't one. I've fought almost everyone in this town. I need new people to fight. So Hawkins better have some dickbags somewhere.

One of my top favorite bands started to play, Foreigner. You can't go wrong with Rock N' Roll or Metal in that case. I pressed play and of course one my favorite songs came on, Juke Box Hero. I started to sing along with the song while starting to get packed.

Standing in the rain
With his head hung low
Couldn't get a ticket
It was a sold out show
Heard the roar of the crowd
He could picture the scene
Put his ear to the wall
Then like a distant scream
He heard one guitar
Just blew him away
Saw stars in his eyes
And the very next day
Bought a beat up six string
In a secondhand store
Didn't know how to play it
But he knew for sure
That one guitar

The thoughts and nervousness of my new home seemed to blend into the music. I sang and swayed along with the rhythm of the music forgetting all my troubles. For now at least.

The next day...

I walked out the front door and set down a box of God knows what. It's heavy that's all I know. I picked it up again and placed it in the trunk along with all the other crap. Mom and dad came out of the house also carrying boxes. "Is that everything?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. "Uhm I think there's still one more thing left in the kitchen. Can you get it? While you're at it, go ahead and double check your room to make sure you didn't leave anything." I sighed and made my way back inside the house.

I found a small box sitting on the kitchen counter. This must be it. I decided to leave it there and go check my room first. I made it upstairs and in fact I did leave something very important. I would say it's my prized possession. It's my guitar that I had gotten at a Foreigner concert. I got a backstage pass and it turns out that they were giving it away. It has each band members signature on it. Of course I sealed it in with some random shit I had in my room. I grabbed it up and put it in my hard case.

I strapped it around me and made my way down stairs and grabbed up that box that was sitting on the counter. I opened up the door to the car and set my guitar down and put that last box in the trunk then slammed it shut. I got in the backseat and took one last look at my home for the last 18 years of my life. I stared at it for a while before I noticed the car started moving.

Let's just hope that Hawkins is less sucky than this dump...

𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷' (𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗫𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻)Where stories live. Discover now