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'We're going to the mall! I've never been there before but everyone says it's awesome! Maybe Mom-Janine will hold my hand!' I'm pulled out of my thoughts my Janine's really pretty voice
"Okay guys we're here but there's a couple rules. Stay near me or Trevor at all times. No wondering off and no looking at prices if you like it get it. Now let's go!" She got out of the SUV first with everyone following her like little ducklings... hehe.

'This place is huge!' was my first thought looking at the building in front of me. We walked up to the door and Trevor opened it for everybody and we all walked in. There were so many stores but one caught my eye instantly is was blue and yellow with paw prints on the front and a big bear and then I saw hundred (okay maybe not hundreds but a lot) of stuffies! I took off running towards the amazing building. Once I got there I saw the store was called "Build-A-Bear". This place was awesome you make your own stuffie. I gotta have one! As I was about to enter the magical land I felt my wrist get grabbed and was turned to face a very max Janine.
"What did I tell you about running off?!" I looked behind her and saw Daisy clinging to Trevor.
"WHAT DID I SAY?!" Janine yells again. I feel myself start regressing and I start tearing up
"N-not to wun off" my little voice coming out  and I look down ashamed "I sowwy mommy me just wans stuffies and never beens mall and I just-" I started bawling. I feel arms wrap around me and I latch onto the owner not caring who it is
"Hey baby shhh it's okay, mommy's not mad she was just scared. It's okay shhhh" mommy says while rubbing soothing circles on my back. After a few minutes I start to calm down and my crying turns to sniffles and I finally look up from the neck I'm buried in.

I look up and see mom-Janine looking at me. I expected her to be mad but she wasn't. She looked sad? "What's wrong?" I asked, I was the one that messed up she should be sad.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry for yelling I just got scared." She said while cupping my cheek. I smiled and leaned into the touch. "It's otay I shouldn't have wun off" I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Okay ready to shop?" She asked softly and I nodded eagerly. When we started to walk I locked hands with Janine not wanting her to leave.
"Where to first baby boy?"
"There!" I point to Build-A-Bear and we go in together starting this awesome trip.

2 hours later

Janine had to call in warriors to carrier all our bags. She had bought me and Daisy anything we so much as glanced at. I kept telling her it was too much and all she said was "I will spoil my baby boy if I want to" making me giggle. We started to leave when we passed a store with blacked out windows the only thing showing on display were a few collars. The store was called "The Pet Shoppe" and I was really intrigued. I tugged on Janine's hand "Can we go in there?" I asked referring to the intriguing shop
"No baby you wouldn't like what's in there" she responded and kept walking. I stopped walking making her stop too "Pleeeeaaassseee just a little look" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.
"Okay okay let's go" she said and started walking back to the shop. Once we entered the shop I felt all the blood in my body run to my lower regions. Collars. Ears. Tails. Leashes. I crossed my legs not wanting Janine to see but it was too late I looked up at her and she was already looking at me with list in her eyes. "Do I have a little puppy?" She asked me while smirking and I melted when she called me that and let a moan slip past my lips. Janine leaned in close to my ear barely brushing my neck causing goosebumps to rise up my body "pick anything you want pet" she whispered seductively placing emphasis on pet. All I could do was whimper while nodding my head then scurrying off.

After about 20 minutes I met back up with Janie at the front of the store at the cash register. She had already paid for her stuff and had it hidden in a bag. I had three things in my hand; a tail with this silver bulb thing at the end which I don't know what that's for but I really liked the tail, matching ears and a collar that had "Mommy's Pet" engraved on it. Janine paid for the items and then we headed out. After leaving I realized how sleepy I was and Janine noticed too so she lifted me placed me on her hip and we began heading to the car. I was asleep before we reached the front door.

Her Little Omega ✅ - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now