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I hate myself. I snapped I can't believe this. I'm so lost in thought I don't notice the winds picking up and the leaves swirling around. It's too late once I do notice, a witch is on my land. I howl loud alerting my guards to come quickly. I whip my head in the direction of the witch only to see her holding the small pup by his neck. My eyes widen and my body is riddled with fear, but anger takes over all too quickly when I hear a snap and the small pup, my second mate, drops to ground limp.

All I see is red as I run after the witch. Although strangely my heart hurts but my soul does not. I hear a cackle and look to the witch, finally seeing her face. Marigold. "I thought killing a mate was supposed to take part of a wolves soul" she sneers "what's wrong? Not the same pull?" She smirks like she knows something. I look at her with narrow eyes. "What do you want Marigold?" I growl out hating what she is implying. "Tsk tsk tsk. You haven't figured it out? You killed my husband. My true love. Do you honestly think I'd let that go?" She cackles. Realization starts to sink in. "What did you do you bitch?!" I yelled. She gave me her signature sarcastic smile. "I made sure you will never find your mate" she sneered. I laughed at her. "Nice try, I already found my mate" I begin to look around for Sam but see him nowhere. She snickers "you mean the blonde boy? He isn't your mate. All your feelings were manipulated by me. I released him of his spell and he's finding his true mate now. But you, Janine Midnight, will never find your mate. You will live in eternal misery and loneliness. This is for my husband." She begins laughing so hard her head falls backwards and I take my chance. I lung at her neck and not hard taking her head with me. The witch was dead.

As soon as her body hit the ground I went in search for Sam. She had to be lying. She had to...
She was not lying. I turned the corner and saw snuggled up to a friend of mine, Night. We call her that because her wolf is black as night. My heart shattered but my soul stayed in tacked. I realized everything Marigold had said was true. I would never find my mate. Sam spotted me and ran over dragging Night with him. The sparkle in both their eyes made me hide my hurt. Sam looks up at me completely unaware of the spell he was under. He believes we are just friends and nothing more, though I'm cursed to remember everything. "ALPHA!" Sam yells so excited. I hide my pain from the name escaping his lips. "Yes?" I say almost coldly. "This is my mate, Night!" He beamed! I smiled and looked at Night "Nice to see you again" we shook hands and went out separate ways.

Once I got onto my room I was alone. No Sam to cuddle, I'm all alone. I will never find my mate... damn you Marigold.

Her Little Omega ✅ - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now