Small Pup

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I've been a lone wolf for as long as I can remember. I've only ever lived in the woods. I don't have a pack and the rogues that attack me call me 'runt' I guess that's what I am. I'm very small compared to other wolfs and I don't know why.

I was out of my den, which is way smaller than most other wolves, so I go unnoticed, looking for something to eat I hadn't eaten in days. I just needed a mouse or something. I found what I wanted. I was stalking the little mouse getting ready to pounce when I hear a growl erupt from behind me. I'm too afraid to turn around so I do the only logical thing, run. I run towards only goddess knows where. the growls go louder and then I was surrounded. I was too afraid to notice the others moving in around me. "What do we have here? A runt?" one of them snarled at me. I bowed my head in submission just wanting to be left alone. "What's your name?" a different voice asked me. "D-Daniel" I stuttered out. "Well Daniel" the same snarling voice from before spoke "if you want to live go retrieve something of mine" he smirked. "o-okay a-anything just- just let me go" I mumbled holding back tears. He pushed me in the direction of his item and said "go that way you'll know when to stop" he sneered. I ran off as quickly as possible thankful for the escape, but I have no idea where I'm going. I've never been this far away from the den. 

After walking for what felt like hours, I started to smell other wolves. I thought the item would be with them, so I started walking towards the voices. I only took two steps before a loud and powerful growl ripped through the air, I instantly submitted. The wolf walked around me in circles all I wanted was for the world to open up and swallow me. I stayed still curled in on myself whimpering. After a few moments I no longer felt the wolf's presence so I peeked up and no one was watching me, I looked around and saw a tree log; big enough for me but too small for them and I sprinted towards it before they could catch me. "COME OUT" they yelled at me, but I wasn't moving, eventually they gave up yelling, but they didn't leave. I was only safe in this log. 

"Where is he?" I hear a beautiful, yet powerful voice says, and I involuntarily whimper afraid of the new person. "Can you come out? No one will hurt you we just want to help." She bends down to look into the log, and I see the prettiest lady ever!!! I couldn't contain myself I tackle her and start licking all over her face. A laugh resonates through the air and it's the best sound ever, this is peac- I don't get to finish my thought when I'm tackled to the ground, pinned by my throat and let out a yelp. I don't like being chocked so I start clawing at the hand holding me very uncomfortable in this situation. A scary growl echoes through the trees sending everyone into submission. The pretty lady walks over to me and picks and then she starts petting me. 'This is nice' The guy that had me pinned groaned and the pretty lady's attention went to him, I had to stop a whimper I want all her attention, but I don't know why. I was placed down, and the pretty lady rushed to the mean guy "YOU DARE HARM WHAT IS MINE?" 'Hers?' I think before hearing a crack I look up to see the pretty lady above the mean guy "I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU" she screams before attacking the guy, she's really scary. 

"Mommy" I hear a little voice say and then a small blonde boy goes up the pretty lady. I want to stop him and protect him, but something tells me he's okay. The pretty lady stops attacking the mean guy and starts looking around until her eyes land on me then she looks at the mean guy who is laying very still. Her eyes show regret, but it's gone just as fast. "Take him to the pack hospital. Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to harm what's mine" 'again hers?' I thought. She turned and started walking towards me, she tries to pick me up, but I scoot away, I don't know why because I want to be held by her. Instead, the blonde boy comes up to me and lifts me up carrying me as we follow the pretty lady. 

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