|| Hawkins high. Monday, September 14th 1986. 8:00am ||

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Wills pov.
Will walked towards the doors of the school, this was it, from now on his life would either be living hell or just plain terrible.

It was extremely loud inside as friends greeted each other after the summer. Will got buffeted from side to side while he tried to walk towards his locker. Locker 831, 831. He reminded himself as he walked down the hallway.

He saw number 828 and forced his way out of the crowd and closer to the lockers.

He finally managed to reach and open his locker not realizing that most of the crowd had cleared. When he turned he was faced with a boy, he was muscular, probably a football player. He had curly blonde hair and was tall, at least 3 inches taller than Will. "Ah the new boy in town" he smirked, "can I help you?" Will asked, sounding completely monotone though in his mind he was highly intimidated. "No, newbie. Just want to make myself clear that I run this school and if you do anything to me or my friends I will make your life living hell" he hissed, pushing Will into his locker at the last words.

"BLAINE" an angry voice shouted, "leave him alone" someone pushed him away from Will and stood in front of him, he was shorter than Blaine but taller than Will, he looked to be a senior, like Blaine. He had a cool but dorky air to him that seemed to draw the attention of all the girls, and his hair was so perfect Will wouldn't have been surprised if it was a wig. "Steve" Blaine growled, "go away Blaine" Steve glared at him until he rolled his eyes and left the hall accompanied by his small clique.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't know how to act like he's older than a 6th grader. I'm Steve, Steve Harrington" the boy who defended him turned to face him, "you ok kid?" He asked looking into the blank hazel eyes. Will nodded slowly "yeah, yeah sorry. I'm Will Byers. Thank you for defending me" Will smiled, "of course! That idiot needs to be put in his place one day and god I'd like to be the one to do it... well if he gives you any more trouble let me know and I'll handle it." And with that Steve turned and walked away from Will.

Will closed his locker still in a bit of shock that his first few minutes could've gone so bad. He was thankful for Steve though, he seemed really nice.

He walked to his first class, science. He hadn't had a good experience with science in the past, it wasn't the subject it was his teacher, yeah Mrs Auguston was quite a lot to put up with, especially after one of the kids accidentally exploded their project, Will thought she never fully got over it.

When he walked in only 3 other people were in the room, they were all talking to the teacher, and one of them was Will's new neighbor, the others were the two boys he'd seen on the bus.

"Ah! You must be the new student!" The teacher said with a smile, he had a kind smile and a chevron mustache. "Yeah" Will nodded, "well hi! Welcome to Hawkins! I'm Mr Clarke, I used to teach at Hawkins middle but I couldn't bear to leave my favorite students" he motioned back to the boys who looked embarrassed but were smiling. "I'm Will."

"I'm gonna grab something for class I'll be right back, why don't you boys get to know each other" Mr Clarke said before exiting the room.

The boys smiled awkwardly at each other. "Uh- I'm Lucas" the dark one said "and I'm Dustin! You're Mike's new neighbor right? He said-" the curly haired one got cut off by Mike elbowing him, "and I'm Mike, your neighbor. Good to meet you in person." Will felt embarrassed again knowing Mike was referring to the night before, "nice to meet you guys" Will smiled.

The door opened and mr Clarke came in along with the rest of the class, "sit wherever class, I don't assign seats" the class broke into happy chatter, some greeting Mr Clarke and others just making sure they sat by their friends.

Will went to a seat by the window where he could look out at the football field in case this class proved to be similar to his middle school one.

On the contrary, by the end of class Will was sure this would be his favorite subject.

Final part for a bit :)

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