|| Wheeler home. Monday, December 19th 1986. 6:42pm ||

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Mikes pov.

Mike and Will were laying on the couch in the basement, Will was asleep, Mike was watching the rest of the movie they'd started.

Will was wrapped around Mike resting his head on his chest. He was breathing slowly, his lips very slightly parted letting out a soft sound every exhale.

Mike ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

His boyfriend. His boyfriend.

Mike bit his lip trying to hold back a smile. It didn't work.

He heard his mom shout his name and jumped. "Will, Will!" Mike shook him, "hm?"  "My mom's about to come down." Will quickly sat up and jumped to the other end of the couch just as Mrs Wheeler came down the stairs.

Mike wasn't sure how she'd react to him being gay, probably not well, he was too scared to find out if he was right.

"Hey boys, I was wondering if you would take Holly out to play in the snow? I've got so much to do right now I just can't" she asked.

Mike looked to Will, neither of them seemed very enthusiastic but they accepted they had to.

"Yeah, sure" he nodded and sat up, "thanks sweetie" she smiled at him before turning and walking back up the stairs.

The two boys stood up and Will went to grab his jacket, we'll Mike's jacket but he'd given it to Will. It was just a bit too big for him which Mike found adorable.

Will Walked over a minute later, "what?" He asked when he noticed Mike staring at him. Mike smiled, grabbed his face, and kissed him. When he pulled away Will's cheeks were pink, he looked pleasantly surprised.

They walked upstairs together and found Holly by the door dressed and ready for the snow in a hot pink jacket that puffed out so much her arms stuck out.

"You ready, Hol!?" Mike exclaimed, leaning down to get to her height. "Yeah!" She clapped.

She swung the door open and ran out into the backyard, "so like... are we supposed to play with her or..?" Will asked. "I think we can just sit out here and watch her" Mike shrugged.

Will sat in the snow and watched Holly jump around giggling.


Something hit Will's shoulder and he turned to look, Mike stood grinning, his hands wet with melted snow.

Will dropped his jaw, "you didn't" "I did."

He gathered snow in his already freezing hands and tossed it at Mike, it hit him in the center of his chest. Both laughed and went down for more snow.

Quickly enough it was an all out snowball battle, both of them shaking from the cold, their fingers turning pale shades but they didn't care, their faces were flushed with color.

They were so wrapped up in the game they didn't notice El appear in the yard until she shouted, "GUYS STOP!" They froze and looked over. "Oh, hey El" Will said wondering why she was here, not that he didn't want her company she just didn't live in the neighborhood.

"Hi. Your mom wants you to come in, we're having a dinner. And she says Mike can come if he wants" she explained, "oh okay I'll- we'll be there in a second" he nodded.

They took Holly inside, much to her annoyance- then went next door.

Mike and Will walked into the house. It was much cleaner than it was a couple months ago. There were no beer bottles to be seen. The couch was clean, there were no crumbs on it. A bunch of Lonnie's stuff had been moved or sold so there was much more space.

"Hey boys" Joyce smiled at them, "hey mrs Byers!" Mike smiled at her.

He liked Joyce a lot, she was like a second mom to him, she'd found out about Mike and Will and was completely supportive.

They sat down at the table and joined in the conversation with El and Jonathan.

"So... guess what?" Jonathan smiles around, "what?" Everyone asked.

"I got my letter from NYU and... I got in!" The table erupted with cheers and congratulations.

After dinner Will and Mike disappeared up to Will's room.

They sat on the bed in silence for a second then Mike grabbed Will's waist and pulled him into a kiss, a long one, their mouths moving in unison.
The door swung open, "SHIT!" Hopper shouted as the two jumped apart, "thought this was the bathroom, sorry, so sorry" he backed out of the room.

Hopper had acted nonchalant about it but Mike new from past experiences that he was basically homophobic. He felt sort of uncomfortable seeing him put on a cover about it like he didn't care but at the same time he was glad he hadn't made a big deal.



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