|| Wheeler home. Sunday, October 3rd 1986. 12:06am ||

171 5 12

Wills pov.
Will opened his eyes slowly, he looked down and saw Mike passed out on his lap, he felt his face heat up. Slowly Will reached down and touched one of Mikes curls, it was so soft. He got distracted and began running his fingers through it, it wasn't tangled at all which was surprising seeing as Mike had curly hair. He was so distracted he didn't see Mike wake up, or Mike smile when he felt what Will was doing.

Mike reached up and grabbed Will's hand, he interlocked their fingers and turned a bit to look Will in the face who looked quite embarrassed. Mike smiled up at him, "hi" he whispered "hi." Will smiled realizing Mike wasn't annoyed.

"Should we go up to my room?" Mike asked, still not moving from Will's lap or letting go of his hand. "If you want" Will shrugged, he didn't really want to move. "We could stay here" Mike suggested, he didn't really want to move either. "Sure."

They talked for hours about nothing in particular, they just talked. It was easy, the conversation seemed to just flow between them. The entire time, Mike didn't move or let go of Will's hand. It wasn't awkward at all, it was comforting.
Eventually, around 3:30am, they both fell asleep.

In the afternoon, Will woke up to light streaming in through the small window. Mike was awake already, he was sitting on the floor with a notebook, writing.

"Morning" Will yawned, "it's 12:30" Mike grinned, Will laughed "same difference" he shrugged.

"What're you writing?" Will asked coming to sit on the floor next to Mike. "Oh, nothing. Just a dumb little story... I write them sometimes" he explained, "really? And I never knew? Let me read one!" Will exclaimed, "they're really nothing! If you really want to though, there's a few over there" Mike nodded to a stack of papers on a desk.

Will went over and took the one off the top before coming back to sit next to Mike.

Will looked up after finishing it to see Mike staring anxiously at him, "this is so good! Why didn't you ever tell me you did these?? I can't wait to read more!" Will grinned, "really??" Mike smiled "I always thought they were kinda dumb.." he shook his head, "no they're really good!" Will said while standing up to go get another.

Later, Mike and Will were watching another movie, the sequel to the one from the night before. Mikes stories littered the floor (Will had read them all)

They sat next to each other and talked while they watched the movie, Will didn't know how he managed to keep track of both.

The door to the basement opened and Holly came down the stairs, "oh there you are. Mom was looking for you" she announced, "why?" Mike asked "she said you weren't in your room"  "tell her I'm down here"  "she wants you"  "for what??"  "She said you weren't-"  "okay I'm coming Hol" Mike said, slightly exasperated.

He walked upstairs and left Will with Holly. "Nancy says you look depressed" she stated, "thanks Holly" Will grimaced. "What's depressed?" She asked while climbing onto the couch, "uh..." Will hesitated, just then Mike came down the stairs, "Holly what are you doing?" He asked coming over and sitting between her and Will. "I was asking Will what depressed is, Nancy says he looks depressed" she explained, Mike shut his eyes and shook his head. "Why don't you go ask mama?" Mike said guiding her off the couch. "MAMA" Holly yelled as she ran up the stairs.

"Sorry about her" Mike shook his head, "it's okay. She really gets right to the point doesn't she" Will chuckled.

Is it that noticeable? He thought. Am I really that bad at hiding it?

"Will?" Mike asked, "hm? Yeah, sorry."
Will saw him flash a concerned look in his direction. "You okay?" Mike asked, Will nodded "just a bit tired."




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