|| Hawkins high. Friday, October 22nd 1986. 5:23pm ||

127 4 0

El's pov.

After cheer practice El and Naiomi sat on the bleachers watching the football practice. Ever since the run in at Starcourt, they'd become close friends. El was happy it happened but it still hurt a bit knowing they were only, and would only ever be, just friends.

Mid conversation a football flew into the stands and landed in the row in front of them, causing them both the jump and El to give a little shriek.

"Sorry about that ladies" one of the players smirked at them, "we'll try to be more careful, although I might throw it back up here just to see your pretty faces" he winked before running back down the stairs.

"That was revolting..." El cringed, "yeah... Toby Locke... all my friends are in love with him" Naiomi shook her head, El scrunched her nose, "I really don't see it"  "me either! They find all the boys on the team attractive and I don't understand! I think I just don't have a thing for football boys"  "I think I just don't have a thing for boys at all" El said without thinking. Once she realized what she said she gasped

Why did she say things without thinking?? God she was so stupid.

"oh my god- uhm.. I should go" she stood to go but Naiomi grabbed her arm, "wait don't go!" She pulled El back down, "honestly I think I agree... I don't know if I've ever actually liked a boy like that before..." she looked a bit scared to admit it, understandably of course.

El smiled. Naiomi Walker is gay?

She grabbed Naiomi's hand and squeezed reassuringly, they smiled at each other and for a moment nothing else seemed to matter.

Then they saw Toby walking towards the bleachers, "you wanna go hang out somewhere else?" Naiomi asked, grimacing at him, "yes definitely." They stood and left before Toby could say a word to them.

She wasn't quite sure what had happened, I mean it had all happened so fast. Her accidentally coming out and Naiomi coming out right after. It was insane, who could've guessed her luck would be this good. Maybe things were finally starting to look up for her.


In a few minutes they reached the cliff that overlooked the lake, it was completely empty- something El wasn't used to, the lake was usually a big hangout spot for the highschoolers.

They sat down on the edge and looked down at the slightly rippling water, neither of them spoke.

"El uhm..." Naiomi started, "I hope this doesn't- well- you probably don't- uhm... I have a question- well, not a question uhm..." she trailed off, El tilted her head questioningly.

"I- well-" she hesitated, then she turned to El and kissed her. Naiomi kissed her.

El's heart seemed to float, she felt every worry leave her body, all the stress and anxiety. Because she was kissing Naiomi Walker.

El wrapped her arms around her neck and leaned into the kiss.

She wished she could freeze time now. Kissing Naiomi. Under the setting sun.


This relationship happened so fast but wtv

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