|| Wheeler home. Tuesday, September 15th 1986. 7:36pm ||

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Mikes pov.
Mike was sitting at his desk absentmindedly hitting himself in the nose with his pencil, he was thinking about his hangout with Will.

How Will had beaten him at pac man.

how Will had insisted Mike try frogger even though Mike had a stupid but strong distaste for the name after being called frog face all through elementary and middle school. And how Mike had ended up really loving the game. 

And Will's laugh... no wait- and when Will laughed at a joke he'd made, was that right? He didn't know.

And Will's smile- no- when he smiled at Mike for agreeing to play frog face- frog man- frogger! That's the name!

And Will's hazel eyes... Mike slapped himself in the eye with the pencil and he jumped and fell. Why was he thinking about Will's eyes?? He stood up and saw Will's bedroom door open, he smiled hoping to catch the boy's eye but then he realized something was wrong. Will's cheek was red and he was breathing heavily with his eyes shut. Then he seemed to break down, he slammed into the door and slid down it letting out a scream, a scream that Mike could barely hear but could see had so much pain, anger and sadness built up inside it.

It almost broke Mike just to see it, he wondered what Will had gone through, he wanted to ask him but knew he wouldn't want Mike to have seen this... no one would've wanted that.

Mike laid in shock staring at the ceiling for hours after what he saw. He felt awful but didn't want to bring it up.


This one was really short, just wanted u guys to see a bit of Mike alone.


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