|| Byers home. Tuesday, September 15th 1986. 7:10pm ||

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‼️This chapter is intense w the domestic abuse‼️

Will's pov.
Will hadn't realized how late it was getting till he got home, he really hoped Lonnie had fallen asleep, otherwise Will was screwed.

He opened the door slowly waiting for the explosion but it didn't come. He thought he was safe and shut the door but that's when Lonnie came behind him and grabbed him by the collar, "FOUR HOURS? YOU'RE LATE BOY" he shouted slamming Will into the ground, his words were slurred and he was obviously very intoxicated, "WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOU'LL KNOW TO NEVER COME HOME PAST YOUR CURFEW" Lonnie yelled at Will who cried out in pain. "AND JONATHANS NOT HOME NEITHER TO SAVE YOU. NOW WHAT WERE YOU DOING THAT KEPT YOU OUT FOR FOUR HOURS??" He shouted "n-nothing" "DONT LIE TO ME" he aimed a kick at Will's side. "F-fine I was out w-with a friend at th-the arcade" Will said while scrambling to his feet, "what friend?!?" Lonnie asked, "j-just a friend from school, M-mike" Will said when Lonnie threatened to slap him. "Never" he whispered "come... home... late... again" slap. "YOU HEAR ME BOY?" Lonnie shouted, Will nodded, struggling to hold the tears back. "Good. Go to your room fag." Will ran and heard Lonnie leave the house.

He ran into his room and shut the door, he felt the side of his cheek and when he brought his hand to look, it was tinted in red. Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry.

He tried to remind himself. the thing is after years of bottling up your emotions, eventually they're going to spill. Will slammed into the door and slid down it as he let out a scream, a scream of pain and anger and sadness. He hit the floor and began to sob, he cried out all the pain of the last year with his father, all the pain of the homophobic kids at his old school, all the pain of having to move away from his old friends. which went on for about 6 hours. He was glad no one had been there to see him break down.

Finally as his sobs were subsiding the door opened slowly, "Will?" Jonathan's voice said "Jonathan" Will hiccuped while standing up, "Will, what happened?" Jonathan's voice broke as he pulled Will into a hug. "I came h-home late and he w-was really dr-drunk. He h-hit me really hard" Will's voice shook though he had no more tears left to cry.

Jonathan stayed with Will that night to make sure he was okay, he didn't leave his side till the morning.


This chapter was short but mostly cause it was kind of to give you a bit of a look into Will's home life which as you can tell is kinda awful :(

Don't worry you'll get more byler soon <3

Boys don't cry - a byler ficWhere stories live. Discover now