|| Wheeler home. Sunday October 3rd, 1986. 9:43pm ||

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Mikes pov.
Mike was 14. And in all his 14 years of living he'd never felt like he felt for Will.

How did he feel about Will? It was confusing him. 

He's a friend, just a friend.

Are you sure?

Yes! What else would he be?

I think you know...

Im not gay!

Are you sure?


What about last night, I'm pretty sure straight people don't act that way with their friends...

It was nothing.

You looked at his lips! And held his hand! If that's not gay I don't know what is.

"AGH" Mike groaned while throwing his pillow off the bed. He stood up and went to look in his mirror, I'm not gay. I'm not... am I?

He walked over to his desk where a picture was sitting, one Will had made for him. It was a drawing of a scene from one of Mike's stories. Two knights sat on a cliff overlooking a sprawling city, they were wearing blue armor with red hearts on the helmets.
Mike smiled, Will was amazing at art.

A light shone into Mike's room from the window, he walked over while shielding his eyes. The light turned off and Mike saw Will grinning from the other window, he chuckled and waved. Will picked up a notebook and a marker and started to write.

He turned it around, 'hi :)' was written on it, Mike grinned and held up a finger, then turned to find a notebook. He found one and grabbed a pen.

'Hi :)' he wrote. Will smiled and began to write again. 'I had a lot of fun yesterday / today'    'me too. We should do it again soon'    'yeah we should :). I'm gonna go to sleep cause I'm pretty tired'    'okay, goodnight Will'   'goodnight'

Mike went to bed after changing but he couldn't fall asleep, all he could think about was Will. He groaned and shoved his face into a pillow, what was wrong with him?


Only one chapter today guys :((

It's giving we belong together so thanks for the comment Mae (I think that's who commented 😭) it inspired this chapter 😍

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