Starcourt mall. Wednesday, October 6th 1986. 8:09pm ||

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Wills pov.

After the game Will and the others went to starcourt to get ice cream before it closed. "Steve!" Dustin grinned, "hey guys!" Steve said.

After ordering they all sat at a booth together, Steve joined them. "How was the game?" He asked, "we won!" Lucas exclaimed before launching into a full play by play of the game. The others half listened, Will didn't pay attention to a word of it.

He got distracted when he noticed El, who was staring at- Naiomi Walker? When did she get here? Naiomi was one of the girls on the cheer team, she was a freshman as well, as far as Will knew anyway.

She was tall, she had light skin and long black hair tied in a ponytail. Freckles were lightly scattered across her face. She was quite pretty.

She was standing alone by the counter eating her ice cream, she seemed upset about something. Will looked back at El, she was still watching Naiomi, she had a slight smile on her face.

"-You okay El?" Dustin asked, "hm? Uh- yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go use the bathroom, be right back" she said scooting off the booth.


Els pov.

El left the table and headed towards the bathroom, she didn't really have to go but she'd noticed Will saw her staring at Naiomi and needed to walk away for a minute.

El knew her feelings for Naiomi were wrong but she couldn't help it. She was so pretty, and so funny. El couldn't help but like her.

Naiomi looked over as El passed, smiled and waved, she blushed a little bit and smiled back before continuing towards the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't very pretty, she was average. An average girl with brown hair and brown eyes. There was nothing special about her, not in her opinion anyway. There was no way Naiomi would ever like her that way, even if those feelings were ok to feel. She held back tears.

What are you crying for? Because some girl won't like you back? You shouldn't even like her in the first place.

The door to the bathroom opened and Naiomi walked in. "Oh- hi Jane!" She smiled, "hey Naiomi. Uh- good job today, at the game" El said, "thanks Jane."

El smiled, hearing Naiomi say her name filled her stomach with happy little butterflies.

She'll never like you.

El stopped smiling, that voice was right, she never would like her. This brought the tears back to her eyes.

Stupid stupid stupid.

"Hey you ok?" Naiomi asked while coming over and touching El's shoulder reassuringly. El tried to say yes but the word caught in her throat, instead she let out a sort of chocked sob.

Naiomis eyes widened and she pulled El into a hug. "What's wrong?" She asked, "n-no it's nothing.. it's stupid, I'm ok" El said getting control of her breathing before pulling away. Naiomi just nodded, "I hope you feel better Jane" she smiled kindly then walked into one of the stalls.

El wiped her eyes and made sure there was no evidence of her having cried before heading back to the table with a small smile. She'd just hugged Naiomi Walker.


Kinda wanted El to have a love interest so meet Naiomi I guess!

Boys don't cry - a byler ficWhere stories live. Discover now