|| Starcourt mall. Monday, December 20th 1986. 3:34pm. ||

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Mikes pov.

Mike and Will had decided to invite the others to see a movie, it had been a while since the whole group got together.

They were waiting by the concession stand for the others, "look, there's Max, Dustin, and Lucas!" Will exclaimed, he pointed to the escalator where, sure enough, Max, Dustin, and Lucas were coming down.

"Is El not with them?" Will questioned "nope, she's with her girlfriend" Mike smirked, "they're coming though."

"Hey losers" Max said as she approached them, "El and Naiomi not here yet?" Dustin asked, "nope."

In the past 2 months Naiomi had kind of been accepted into the friend group, turns out she wasn't as much a "popular girl" as they thought, in fact, she was pretty much just like everyone else in the school.

"Is that them?" Max pointed to the terrace where two girls were standing talking, one with curly, shoulder length brown hair, the other with long jet black hair.

"Yeah. What are they doing just standing there?" Mike shook his head.

A minute later the girls made their way to the escalator and came down.

"Took you guys long enough" Lucas teased, "yeah sorry, we got distracted" Naiomi grinned sheepishly.

They turned and got 2 popcorns before heading into the theater.


After the movie they went to the park.

Will spent most of the time laughing. These were his favorite people on earth, they made him happier than he could ever remember anyone making him, even Jonathan.

He took Mike's hand in his own.

If he wasn't happy about moving before, he was now. He wouldn't go back for anything...

The end.



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